I will, Jackie. I’d think AN should have a lot of red behind it, and there is a bit of red behind April Mooncrest, but where that solid, deep yellow came from, who knows? I expect that result from the AN X First Impression (and its reciprocal) but haven’t seen it yet.
Those are some nice looking yellow buds.
One of the deep yellow buds of Art Nouveau X April Mooncrest popped today. At least it’s a strong yellow and apparently healthy.
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I had to dead head the initial Cal Poly X Pretty Lady flower to remove the hardware cloth cover from the table as it had opened through it. This is the third day open.
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Pretty Lady X Lynnie appears to want to be tall, and, of course, pink.
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The sole Rosy Purple X Lynnie seedling is setting a bud at a very small size. There are a LOT of fungal issues in the tables, but I expect most of it to clear once the weather dries and warms.
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The second Cal Poly X Pretty Lady is now showing color.
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Other seedlings not beginning to flower, but interesting are:
Cal Poly X Minutifolia. I expect mildew issues with this. The only other Minutifolia seedling I’ve ever raised was with Anytime and it died from mildew.
[flickr_photo src=http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8104/8624965971_67f9991243.jpg nsid=67995840@N04 id=8624965971]DSCN3772[/flickr_photo]
The two Cal Poly X Banksiae lutescens. Mildew is also to be expected with Banksiae seedlings.
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Jim’s L56-1 X 1-72-1Hugonis. I’m happy how clean they are remaining.
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Marie Pavie X Mutabilis selfs.
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Grandmother’s Hat set many hips by herself. Most appear to have germinated easily. I guess there is only one I should retain, huh?
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Eyes for You hasn’t resulted in much. I don’t know if it’s this year or just the rose. This is all that’s come from Art Nouveau X Eyes for You so far. Dreadful.
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Eyes for You X Lynnie and Eyes for You X 42-03-02.
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Orastarmag X Pretty Lady.
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Pink Petticoat X Banksiae lutescens. I’m inclined to believe it’s a cross. Pink Petticoat germinates as well as Cal Poly, but this has only resulted in one, mildewy seedling. Pretty much what I expected at this stage.
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Pink Petticoat X 86-3. Again, if it was a self, there should have been many germinations.
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Pink Petticoat X 1-72-1Hugonis. One actually appears to be free from prickles! The growth and foliage are completely atypical for Pink Petticoat selfs. I’m jazzed!
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Sunburn X 1-72-1Hugonis. I honestly expected more from this bunch of seeds than ONE seedling.
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I have tried Golden Wings several times and have only one seedling to show for it. At that it’s and incredibly small wimpy thing that’s 2 years old and hasn’t bloomed yet. I’d ditch it but I want to see a bloom first. I’m hoping this year. GW doesn’t set or keep hips on it very well and the few I’ve gotten didn’t germinate much either. Won’t bother with it this year.
Kim, That is a really nice healthy looking yellow with Art Nouveau X April Mooncrest. Both the color and the plant. I love how the one seedling of Grandmothers’ hat stands out, like “pick me, pick me!” I got this plant to try this year just based on your raves, so here’s hoping it does well. So far love that piney new foliage smell.
Thanks Jackie. Yes, perhaps that should be the name of the seedling, “Me! Me!”. I have never gotten it to accept any pollen I’ve applied to it and usually, it doesn’t set hips, but last fall, it set them like fruit. I have raised seedlings from its pollen, though. This is Robert Rippetoe’s (Carlin’s Rhythm X Home Run) with Grandmother’s Hat pollen. It’s being called “Teeka” which is a Native American word for “sister”, the name of a friend’s dog. She likes the rose and the name, so it’s sort of stuck. You can always see the Basye’s Legacy in a seedling!
[attachment 1520 KIMCROSS8-13-12W-TAG.jpg]
It’s interesting you perceive the plant scent as pine. It’s always impressed me as sweet pepper with cedar.
Thanks for all the pics, Kim. I can live vicariously through you while my seed flats are still in storage. I’m figuring it is better to let the temps creep up naturally in the bare root building as the weather warms up outside (it’ll go up from 38 or so to the mid to upper 40’s and roses will start to pop) than to bring them in to a greenhouse that might get warmer in the day and 50 at night. I’m really fighting the urge to bring them in.
That Art Nouveau blossom shows signs of the distorted petal form that accompanies the stripe on its parent. It will be really interesting to see if the stripe shows up in future generations and how often F1’s of AN carry a stripe.
I’ve grown Golden Wings in Saint Louis, Missouri and Lubbock, Texas and Charleston, West Virginia, and it is a prodigious OP hip setter in all three climates–probably 90% of the flowers make OP hips. Are you talking about OP hips, or hips from your pollinations? Going the other way, with Golden Wings as the pollen parent, you should have reasonably good luck and get lots of seedlings if the female parent is cooperative. Golden Wings pollen has all kinds of irregularities, but it’s good enough to produce offspring with a willing female. My first cross using Golden Wings pollen led to this attractive shrub that grew a lot like Golden Wings.
My Golden Wings is about 16 years old, still at my family’s home. It is pretty much self-sustaining, and it sets about 200+ giant orange, hard hips every autumn. The seeds are so hard that they don’t germinate for me, and Im not going to try any tricks for it. That was the issue.
Now, I will use it as pollen, but I will use it on something that really tames down its stiffness. I’m thinking Summer Wind x Golden Wings sounds cool, among other ideas.
OP All the Rage
[flickr_photo src=http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8405/8633289942_93d3107abb.jpg nsid=66449618@N07 id=8633289942]Op ATR[/flickr_photo]
The bud hasn’t opened yet this year, but I’m looking for the cresting. This is an OP seedling from Closer to Heaven that I got from Paul Barden a couple of years ago.
I like the foliage as well. It’s acting like a miniature climber.
The other Art Nouveau X April Mooncrest yellow bud is beginning to open.
[attachment 1531 DSCN3836.JPG]
The Art Nouveau self is showing some very attractive sepals. Usually, though, when they’re this nice, the flower is nothing.
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This is a real ringer! IHTXLB X Art Nouveau!
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No blooms yet, but this was a nice surprise this afternoon. 0-47-19DLFED X Tom Thumb. It’s the “runt of the litter”. I hope it remains smallish.
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Great looking seedlings Kim!
I’m glad to see a picture of 0-47-19DLFED X Tom Thumb. I have that exact cross on my list to do this summer. I also want to use 0-47-19DLFED with Cinneraire. Hopefully I can tame the beast - both in size and number of thorns.
For what it’s worth, 0-47-19DLFED liked the last two winters we have had in Des Moines, Iowa. THe only die back I got was from the danged rabbits cheweing the sides of a few canes. I’m hoping for lots of blooms this year (had only a few last year).
Thanks, Andre! I’m glad I sent you the 0-47-19DLFED. I had to cull it this year due to NO room for something that large. I love the plant and think it has potential, but I couldn’t maintain it. Same with Inner Wheel X 0-47-19. No ground space, no fences or anything to grow them on and they dried out daily in large pots. Plus, the wind blew them over so the rabbits could reach the whole plant.
The Art Nouveau X April Mooncrest yellow bud fully opened today.
[attachment 1536 DSCN3862.JPG]
And, one more from last year. Too Cute X Verdun. Yes, it’s quite dry and that could easily account for some of the mildew. We’ve had Santa Ana winds with a bit of heat and zero humidity, so everything is drying out very quickly (including me!).
[attachment 1537 DSCN3863.JPG]
I really like your April Mooncrest seedling. Also I did get two of the April Mooncrest seedlings rooted and they are making good strong plants. Hopefully it will bloom this year so I can try out the pollen.
How would you summarize Art Nouveau as a parent so far?
Good Adam, I’m glad! So far, Art Nouveau has germinate very well, resulting in healthy, vigorous seedlings. But, they’re only five or so months old so far. We’ll see what they do with some age on them. The two which have flowered so far have had good yellow color. Not quite what I expected, but not bad.
I can get that. Right know I have a little under a hundred seedlings from OP Cole’s Settlement from Natile. Mostly single with a few semi double which I expected but they are mostly yellow which I do not expect looking at the parentage. Some of them have a real nice all spice like fragrance.
Five months is young. I have had a few seedlings look like compost the first year and then suddenly turn into winners. Usually it goes the other way around.
Hi Jeff,
I like the cresting on your seedling. I’ve worked some with the cresteds but find that mine tend to be mildew prone. I think that there is a lot of potential with that group.
This last year I made lots of crosses with “Basye’s Thornless”. There have been a few with the Hulthemia blotch, but this is the best so far. It is from a cross of ‘Pomegranate Lemonade’ X “Basye’s Thornless”. I’m interested in seeing what the blooms look like as it matures.
[attachment 1538 Q62a-M166XBAY.jpg]
Let me know if you ever get requests for 0-47-19DLFED - I can definitely spare the cuttings. I also have one of the 1-72-1DLFEDs (I don’t know which one - it was labeled Burgundy Wood) and about 8 plants of the CPDLFED5. They will all be in love this year as long as they bloom for me (which they should).
If my R. dupontii blooms this year I will put their pollen on it. Also, if I can find a source with the pollen available at the right time, some R. fed. too. I want to see how close to Autumn damask I can get using these varieties. I think it would be an interesting line to pursue on the side.
Does your ‘Pomegranate Lemonade’ X “Basye’s Thornless” seedling have two ‘eyes’? It looks like a second eye of a lighter color follows the first red eye.
I have a seedling of ‘Carefree Marvel’ x ‘Pink Lemonade’ from last year that just bloomed…no eye unfortunately. I’ll try again this season.