Nice colors, Jackie! Is your set up outdoors, or under artificial light? Love Julia’s child too. (I’m frankly hoping you might find some phototropic colors outdoors to enhance some of the rich tones! I like it garish, I guess. Floribunda to be, I guess? Should make attractive clusters…)
MamartxGemish is the same as MamartxCarefreeCopper?
Marina, you are really reinforcing the fact that I’ve gotta get Ebb Tide already… Very attractive family there.
Philip, Ebb Tide promises a lot, but tends to quickly become a “one cane wonder” here. Its health is acceptable and the flower is quite seductive, but the plant is really just so-so. Budded, it can become very lop sided, very quickly, with the less vigorous side melting away easily. Own root, it’s a mess. Little vigor and begins life as a one cane plant with a real insistence on remaining that way. I’ve been “hooked on mauve” from day one, and have grown many, but the best plant in my experience is still Midnight Blue. Too bad it just isn’t an own rooter. It’s a real wreck, unless budded. Even then, it isn’t great, but it is very good in many ways. Kim
Kim, you are so right about Ebb Tide - never been a good plant for me, although I gave it multiple chances (probably have four or five bushes in the garden, will dig them out without hesitation whenever I need a spot for a new rose).
One of the seedlings (the darkest, most resembling the parent) is indeed a ‘one cane’ wonder. The other two are extremely bushy and full, the color is quite different from the parent’s, though. I am mostly interested in these two.
Finally, today I have a ‘seven-bud’ seedling opening it’s first flower. Almost positive, this is a 'Blue for You’s baby. The color is much lighter – lavender-pink, same warm clove fragrance.
Also, a non-descript single bud opened on another seedling. Nothing to write home about, but the fragrance is a killer - strong, sweet and spicy.
I’m glad you’re working with Blue for You Marina. I encouraged a nurseryman friend to pursue Blue for You. She wrote Peter James who directed her to Warner Roses, who directed her to Paul Zimmerman who directed her to Greenheart who directed her to a wholesaler who told her she would have to buy a minimum order of liners for over $600. Supposedly Paul Zimmerman is still “checking with the Biltmore people” if they will license a small operation to produce the few dozen it can sell and pay royalties". She was able to document that Greenheart is mass producing Blue for You for commercial introduction and it seems likely to be one of the Biltmore Collection varieties. It should be interesting seeing if it is only an on line nursery offering or if we finally find it at Lowe’s and Home Depot as most other things Greenheart has touched have found their way to.
The perfect Easter seduction…that lovely clove and over-ripe Mutsu apple fragrance wafting through the front walk in the humid, slightly warm, over cast morning air. Blue for You is putting out the beginning of its first flush. All of these are slated for use with pollen from Banksiae lutescens.
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I first saw aging flowers of Cardinal de Richelieu in 1983 and begged for a modern, fragrant, healthy, repeat flowering modern rose in THOSE colors which would perform in my climate. It took nearly thirty years, but it’s finally here. Happy Easter!
Kim, Those ‘Blue for You’ are absolutely ravishing. So evocative of old silk and faded perfumes.I agree with the verdict about Ebb Tide. About every other year it goes down to one cane, and then I super coddle it and it comes back for just long enough for me to forgive it all its’ shortcomings, it produces a large number of multi blooms, and then goes back down the hole, sulking. I have not given up on it yet but if all the roses took that much work It is easy to understand why some people might find roses in general “too much work”. It is definitely the polar opposite of Iceberg.
Philip, these are grown from day one, outdoors, and last year almost all my yellows and colors of that range went totally mutable on me. I am happy to not have so many this year–that was the plan. Mamart is a contraction of MadameMaurine (bought under that name, actually is Mme Bravy) and Rt 66. Gemish is a really nice seedling from Gemini x Shockwave. I absolutely cannot remember numbers and would have to have my arm (both probably) tattooed with a cheat sheet if I used numbers. So some of these might not sound like they make sense but It does make it easier for my aging brain.
Thank you for the nice comments, today I have a large number of yellows that are unfolding along with the pinks. Very Easter appropriate.
I guess you have already posted my order Jackie, any chance of adding the yellows if not shipped yet. In all honesty, they are beautiful, do you think they or any of them might make it to the market place in the USA
I’m guessing BFY doesn’t do as an own-rooter either, Kim and Marina? That’s one I’ve always loved in pictures, resembling as it does to me lisianthus. As you know, Kim, I’m a bit of a Hooked on Mauve type myself, and since my wife swooned over Angel Farce when she saw it in full bloom and I now have wasted realty given over to it, I’m in search of improved substitutes. (I mean, it shouldn’t be hard to find an improvement, no?)
My confusion then Jackie. I had understood “This is how the 2nd flower pictured above aged in three days” to mean the two were the same seedling. I do enjoy the warm colors on those.
Actually, Philip, BfY rooted extremely easily for Cliff and it grows EXTREMELY well own root. It is an amazing mauve rose! Absolutely no disease in my garden from day one, even when others mildew, rust and black spot around it. It’s also tolerating partial shade under a California Black Walnut out back with ease. I want a bed full of this thing!
Well done, everyone! I’m jealous; no blooms here until next year.
You mention ‘revisiting’ Golden Wings. Does this mean you have tried it before? If you did what did you get as results and did the Xanthina show much influence. Ormiston Roy is really attractive. Austin has used GW to good effect but does the fading yellow come largely through GW?
Have you used Love and Peace before, or is this the first yr? Your seedling shows it as a pollen donor, does it set seed? Just checked HMF and see that it has been used (at least once) for seed- it really is a good rose here in San Diego, and is very disease free in mid to late summer (here, anyway) so I have considered getting it. Really dependable in the heat.
I hope you don’t say GW didn’t perform well for you. I’ve already pollinated 11 Golden Wings blooms with the 1-72-1Hugonis pollen… The fade probably does come through Golden Wings. It fades pretty quickly and severely here.
You’re all showing lots of beautiful seedlings!
Marina, I will second Kim’s, “glad you’re working with BFY” - it was many excellent qualities. I wonder if it might help out ‘Ebb Tide’ with some of its problem… I have some new seedlings from it and am very impressed with the vigor and health of the seedlings. It will be used much this year (thank you Kim!), and thanks to Peter James for breeding it.
You’re welcome Jim! Blue for You is what made Eyes for You as seductive as it is. It’s unfortunate the other things included in it made E4Y as stubborn as it’s proven itself to be.
My eleven-bud 'Ebb Tide’s seedling continues to open it’s blooms. Today’s photo.
The ‘Blue for You’ baby still holds to it’s first flower, the other buds are about to open. As you can see, the color faded quite a bit, but still is very attractive.
And this is a completely new seedling, showing phototrophy (parentage unknown)
Warm weather is beginning to be more the “norm” for the year, so things are beginning to really respond. Here are the latest from the seed boxes and last year’s ‘creations’.
Art Nouveau X First Impression
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Rosy Purple X Lynnie
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1-72-1Hugonis X L56-1. So far, the only seed from this parent to germinate, so I’m not using it for seed this year.
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Art Nouveau selfed. Incredibly vigorous and incredibly healthy in a box full of mildew.
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Pretty Lady X Lynnie
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Cal Poly X Lynnie. It’s looked as if it was going to be pink, but I guess not.
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From last year, Suntan Beauty X DLFED 4. I’m not really concerned with the mildew to this point. The weather has been very strange (damp cold to hot and damp, to windy/arid and cold with spurts into hot) and there has been more than a bit of water stress. I’ve not been a very good “seedling steward” due to lack of energy and battling bronchitis, so the fact they are still there and actually flowering is a good sign in my book.
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Thank you, Rob. I’m working on it!
Cal Poly X Pretty Lady opened today. Not pink, not yellow, but double and appears fairly healthy in a really inhospitable situation.
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Art Nouveau X April Mooncrest didn’t result in any cresting, but they sure appear to want to be yellow!
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Kim-you will have to post a photo of AN x AM when it opens. that really looks to be a solid yellow, and it is amazing how the yellow lines up against all those pinks and reds in its’ lineage. Art Nouveau must be a carrier for yellow, even though it also looks to have a lot of pink and red in its background?