Timo's Seedling topic


Greetings Timo:

If this is a picture of the same yellow bloom pictured above then I would say that it just keeps getting better as it opens!


Hi robert,

Yes, it’s the same. I hope the fragrance will change because the smell is horrible. It smells like clothes which is laying to long in the laundry-basket. Muffy, mouldy…hmm…not nice at all. If this was going into commerce the name should be: “trashcan”.


lol :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:!!! I can tell you don’t write the descriptions in rose catalogues. If you did you would say that “Trashcan” was “blessed with a strong fragance unique in the rose world – a must for every garden.” Perhaps it will repell pests and become a valuable plant.


:smiley: If this rose drives on insects you can all buy it next year. :smiley:

Another seedling from the same cross popped open yesterday.

It’s not special at all but the fragrance is so strong and really nice. Amber Queen passes on it’s scent very good.


The coming days another New Dawn x Amber Queen will open and it’s very nice to see how differ everything is.

Another New Dawn x Amber Queen seedling:



Very new dawn look-a-like but a very tiny little differ,

Little fragrance.

3 totally different flowers from the same hip.

Hi Timo:

WOW!! What a classic pictorial example of the diversity of rose genetics – do you have any more seedlings from this same hip? Is this the first year you tried New Dawn X Amber Queen?

I think that everyone is enjoying “Timo’s Seedling Topic.”

Bob Zone 9

You are having great success with this cross Timo! Congrats on these.


Beautiful roses, Timo! Good job!

The more I look at the pics of the yellow one the more I like it.

A new Coral dawn x Golden Celebration showed up this morning:


Not very differ than Coral Dawn but I like it.

The first CD x GC flower I posted a while showed the 2nd floweringcyclus:

It stayed the same in full sun so thats great. The 1st one was behind a window.

I hope it will be a bit more filled up. It’s not that pritty concurned the petals.



The 2nd cyclus of CD x Sangerhauser Jub-rose is very dissapointed: Look to it’s awful flower:


The first flower was very nice and I hoped it would improve. I’ll waith till the next cyclus.

I hope you enjoy my pictures.

Best wishes,


To compare with the first CD x SJR:


One more of Coral dawn x Golden Celebration but than fully opened;



At first I enjoyed your pictures because they were all so beautiful. Now I am just plain jealous. Don’t you have any really ugly seedlings full of blackspot and mildew so that I won’t feel so inadequate? lol :slight_smile:


On the peachy CD x GC their is a little mildew but thats because of the weather and the lack of wind in my garden.

My brother told me when it’s getting bigger and in the right spot it wouldn’t be a problem. (which i hope) But so far everything is healthy. It’s all beginners-luck I suppose. Maybe the next flowers will make you less jealous lol.

Hi Timo:

Are you really a beginner? That is hard to believe. How long have you been hybridizing and how did you learn so many technical scientific things so quickly if you are just a beginner?

Regards, Bob

Hi Bob,

Yes I’m a beginner. I started in 2006 with a couple crosses. I read on RHA forum (also the older topics), Rosarian Corner, Garden Web, hybtridizers sites, other information sites and printed a lot on paper. But my brother (RosariumRob) teached me a lot. It may sound that I know much but I’m still a beginner.

This is really startersluck. I just did some pollen on blooms I had. I demolished the whole garden from my parents. They saw their first roses on the bushes on july if they where lucky. lol.

Hi Timo:

Many thanks – then maybe there is hope for me – although my brother is no Rosarium Rob. But I still suspect you must be some kind of scientist. Regardless, I learn a lot and laugh a lot when I read your postings.

Regards, Bob

I will of course confiscate any promising seedling and tell everyone I bred it myself :wink:


Bob, I’m not a scientist, I’m a photographer. lol

Rob, It’s time to buy some barbwire and fence off my property before you snitch all my BMW’s. :smiley: