To open a topic for every seedling which is nice is a little much. So I made atopic where I put them all.
This seedling is an unknown. I know one parant and thats a single which I don’t know the name of. It’s a very tiny bloom (3,5 CM) and a little sweet fragrance.
Kinda sweet!
Maybe because I am new at this and am neither jaded nor Jadae, I enjoy all the new seedling pictures and am glad you opened a new topic. I believe that even though Jadae has seen enough seedlings to be jaded that she will also be happy to see it. Beautiful pictures! thanks Bob Williams
Cute, sort of Poly looking.
I think the more familiar we become with looking at seedlings the more we realize how good they need to be in order to compete commercially.
Of course all they really need do is please us as breeders.
It’s natural to become more critical over time. That’s the only way we learn to weed out lesser seedlings. It’s part of the growth process. Some of us are further along than others.
We are all entitled to our own opinion.
I don’t think Jadae is jaded. HE is, highly selective, which is a good thing.
I don’t know what Jadae has to do with this topic either, but I didn’t think he would appreciate being called a she, and I really don’t think he’s jaded.
I say post all the seedling photos you like. It’s fun to look at them.
What was the seed parent?
Sorry – Didn’t know gender. Just an attempt at a bad pun. I greatly enjoy Jadae’s comments as they combine knowledge and humor. Bob
haha it wouldnt be the first time I was called a she online. But I chose an online handle eons ago when the internet was new, and I stick with it for the sake of playing it safe online 
I think the seedling is nice. The form is similar to Lullaby, which I wish was easy to work with. Unfortunately, it is nearly sterile due the petals mechanically erroring the sexual parts out of the way. I wish this wasnt so cause I so wanted Lullaby x Rosa banksia lutescens. That would be an awesome cross!
Nice one, if its healthy! Its like a polyantha or mini x Little white pet.
Tim,lovely seedling; and so full petalled. Have both ND & AQ and will have to try the combo. Speaking of New Dawn and your dismay at few seeds, etc.;in the forties and fifties, almost all of the repeat blooming climbers introduced were crosses of New Dawn and a hybrid tea. Some really nice climbing roses (usually pillar height) were produced using her so ND is a valuable seed parent though maybe a little stingy!
Very nice one Timo, so not all your attempt with ND failed. Maybe I should give it another try 
You all confinced me. lol
I’m thinking of using it again, even if it had a low seedrate last year. Their are 2 other seedlings of this cross, one is pink and an other is yellowish. Pictures as soon as possible. 
Is Amber Queen healthy in your climate? I stayed away from it because I saw blackspot on it at a garden centre. If it’s healthy, I might reconsider AQ & it’s offspring.
The Amber Queen I used was in a very bad place of the garden. It was in the shade a lot because of Golden Celebration above it and their wasn’t enough airflow. It stayed very small and the leaves dropped off real quickly.
But I don’t think I use it again. I used it because it was one of the few roses in the garden. I won’t recommend it to you, their are healthier apricot roses out their.
Oh, i have to correct myself. I never saw AQ in normal surcomstances. (normal sun and in a wuindy place) So i can judge really if it’s good. I have to let it moved someday.
My Amber Queen, which was in full sun, was reasonably healthy. Very beautiful blooms! But it died in the third year in the middle of the summer from an unknown cause. The leaves started slowly to turn yellow, even on new canes. I dug it up to see if there was gall or something on the roots, but saw nothing. I replanted it but it never recovered the drastic ‘surgery’.
It would be interesting to use New Dawn with new highly disease resistant Kordes or Meilland roses with R. wichurana blood, especially ground covers with relatively larger blooms. Some interesting climbers may turn up, with lax canes instead of those stiff canes of ND x HT descendants (which I almost all shovel pruned this winter).
Which particular Kordes or Meilland roses do you have in mind? Since parentage is often missing it’s not so easy to figure out what has Wichura in it.
AQ is healthy here. It is better than it’s offspring, Honey Perfume and Honey Bouquet.
AQ’s major fault is its thorniness. I had to laugh when J/P crossed AQ with Impatient to create several new rose introductions --I cant think of two thornier floribundas in existance lol.