No-spray roses for the Southeastern US

THe linked two page pdf file includes a list of modern roses that are tolerant of and resistant to Black Spot and Cercospora in Tennessee (west and central) and in (?)northern Mississippi.


Wonderful! Thanks Ann!

I live in New Orleans, Louisiana, blackspot and mildew capitol of America. I have a Mermaid that has been growing like a weed for years, never been sprayed or fertilized. My daughter has ordered a number of other hybrid bracteatas which we hope to be able to report are equally good. Bob Williams

Hi Bob,

Which hybrid bracteatas are you planning on getting? I was hoping that Ralph Moore’s mini hybrids like Tangarine Jewel and Star Dust were going to have good blackspot resistance. Unfortunately, with the races here in the Twin Cities they have broken down like the more susceptible modern roses. I haven’t tried other bracteata hybrids, but would like to.



David, have you tried ‘Precious Dream’ yet?

Hi Robert,

I haven’t. Is it one of the more resistant ones you found? Thanks, David

Paul B. says ‘Precious Dream’ is resistant to Blackspot in his area, which I find surprising considering it’s bred from, ‘Orangeade’.

LOL! Yeah, I can name several public gardens in Paul and I’s area where Orangeade is defoliated yearly by bs haha.

I’m experimenting with roses in zone 8 (central Louisiana), and just put in several hybrid bracteatas - Mermaid, Muriel, Star Magic, and Tangerine Jewel. Since they were all planted less than a month ago, I can’t say anything as to their blackspot resistance, but as as soon as I have any information based on experience, I will pass it along.

From my father’s experience in Zone 9 (South Louisiana), his Mermaid occasionally will get a leaf or two with blackspot, but they haven’t affected the plant’s growth, vigor, leafiness, or flowering at all, and he doesn’t spray it or anything.

I’m also planting some non-bracteatas which claim to be disease resistant, and I’ll pass their information along once I know whether or not I need to spray them to prevent blackspot in this climate - but they are Antike, Compassion, Harlekin, Incantation, Jeanne LaJoie, and Secret Garden. I’m hoping that they prove not to need spraying, or limited spraying.

Please wish me luck!

Compassion is very healthy in central ohio; it is good for pollen and seed, which makes me wonder why i don’t use it more for hybridizing.

Compassion is one of the UK’s top 5 rated roses for like 2 decades.

City Girl my be a better choice, though, as I can foresee breeding out F1 generation mildew issues as being a pain. I had troubles with mildew on otherwise perfect seedlings when using High Hopes. I had this perfectly formed climbing miniflora from it, but it wouldnt stop mildewing :frowning:

Adair, I look forward to hearing of your plants’ performance. Muriel is, of course, the parent of Star Magic and Out of Yesteryear – sister seedlings from the same cross as I recall, yet having virtually nothing in common. Muriel may be a very maleable parent and offer some interesting potential diversity to offspring. Tangerine Jewel is an offspring of OoY, so bracteata is somewhat diluted in TJ.

Jeanne LaJoie is another I’ve been curious about. It is apparently a blooming machine from what I’ve read.

I know nothing about Compassion, but just researched it. Its momma, White Cockade has an interesting pedigree (New Dawn

White Cockade may be a better route, too. Circus is pretty decent for an old floribunda. The reason is because it often passes on its unusually thick leaves. Its the Prima Ballerina half of Compassion that is just asking for trouble.

lol only half of the pics on HMF are actually Circus. In one of the comments, they say their Circus is bs prone, which includes a pic of their “Circus” which is actually About Face =/

In thie third pic to the last, you can clearly see the armor-like foliage of the real Circus:

You can see in the pics of Small Talk how dominant the Circus foliage is in its seedlings:

Please report inaccurate photos to HMF. I see they are not correct as well. There is a place to report the photo when you pull it up. We have to keep policing the site to keep it accurate.

‘Circus’ is one of my favorites.

Compassion has very good fragrance, which no doubt came from Prima Ballerina, and could be passed on to Compassion seedlings.

All of Compassion’s known parents (Circus, New Dawn and Prima Ballerina) are fragrant. Prima Ballerina is bred from Peace and something unknown, I assume something red-toned. Circus’s seedlings are often known for a distinct fruit smell.

btw, the lineage of Abraham Darby is similar to Compassion, but can be blackspot prone when crowded.

Ive reported some, Robert, but they always stay up =(

From what I can tell, the Circus pics are Circus, About Face and Charisma.

Apparently there is fear of upsetting those posting photos.

Clearly some of these people bought roses labeled ‘Circus’ and don’t know any better. I’ve put a bug in several ears.

Hopefully we can get a consensus for resolve. I say three strikes you’re out out. In other words once a photo has been identified as inaccurate by three independent parties it should be removed.

I’m going to forward this page for perusal.