No-spray roses for the Southeastern US

Mass producers of bagged bare-root roses are notorious for using approximate labels when they are out of the accurate ones. Sometimes they make the effort to put a sticker with the correct name over the name on the label, but that can come off.

I’m sure the photo posters weren’t at fault, but would hope there would be some way to inform and correct the mistakes. I rely on HMF a lot, and do frequently see images that look suspect.

My seedling Sutter’s Gold X Compassion is, pretty much, scentless. But, I think it could be a good parent in the future because it has essentially survived on its own. Once I start feeding it, I think it will do better.

Wow, scentless? I was always no one ever tried the similar idea of Royal Sunset x Circus.

…always wondered why no on ever…

wow, it is early…