Is anyone growing ‘JoycieKordesii’ that can spare cuttings this spring?
Rob, I don’t know if she still has it, but Betsy, our Editor, is the only garden listed on HMF as having it. Fingers crossed! You might email her to make sure.
Hi Kim. I checked with Betsy before posing this and she doesn’t have it anymore. Thanks for the suggestion though. It would be a shame if it is lost. Hopefully someone else?
Thanks, Rob, I doubt it’s still around, then. Too bad. There are MANY things like that which just don’t exist anymore.
You are right about that Kim.
Rob, just make your own. Since it’s a known fertile cross you can confidentally put in the effort to generate multiple progeny. You’ll then have the double advantage of selecting from an assortment of sibs and having multiple plants in about the same amount of time as raising up a plant of the original from a cutting.
Joycie is very fertile but makes only a seed or two per hip so hit her hard. I don’t know much about Kordesii.
Your suggestion makes sense to me. Unfortunately no US sources are listed. I would definitely use kordesii with some of my miniatures.
Unfortunately no US sources are listed
For Kordesii? There are members who have it. Leon Ginenthal and Enrique Ramirez have photos of it on HMF. Cliff Orent had it at one point and he passed off his rose inventory to someone so it’s out there. All you need is pollen.
Derivatives of Kordesii are imho better options if you can dig some up. Henry Kuska maybe has some, iirc he offered up seeds with Kordesii close in their background. I’m sure HMF can help you ID some.
Thank you for the suggestions. I do have Royal Edward and Hamburger Pheonix so I guess I’m covered for Kordesii F1s. The Joycie x Kodesii just looked really nice in the pictures. Thanks again.
Later in his career Paul Barden produced a number of beautiful roses with L-83 in their heritage. I would predict that if you start with them, you could be very efficient in getting fabulous hardy, disease resistant roses.
Joycie is a fine choice for taming wild beasts of all stripes.
I’ve used L83 pollen from Paul Barden and found many seedlings suffered from Anthracnose. Resistance was able to be recovered in F2 generation depending on what was used as the other parent. I had a Golden Angel x L83 seedling that had very good resistance and used it as a parent. It is now extinct unfortunately but I do have descendants to use.
I love the color of Joycie but doing research here on her I’m reading that disease resistance is non existent with this one. It might be a good idea for me to use a similar color rose that has better resistance and is also very fertile.
Thanks for your input guys!
Rob, how clean has ILC X 1-72-1Hugonis for you? In my new climate, it’s setting many self set hips. I’ve not germinated any yet, but that might give you some interesting results.
Hello. I was out this weekend checking on plants to see what’s been winter culled. If I’m remembering right, I think ILCx1-72-1Hugonis didn’t make it through the winter. I’ll double check to verify. It looks like the Rabble Rouser seedling that you sent cuttings from may not have made it through the winter as well. If they didn’t make it would it be possible to get plant material from you again this spring?
Hi Rob, sorry about that. I seem to have Hugonis on the brain at the moment. The seedling I meant was ILC X 1-72-1, 'ILC1-72-1' Rose I don’t think I wrapped any of it for propagation, but the original seedling is still here, as is Shades of Pernet, the other you asked about. 'Shades of Pernet' Rose
I think I did wrap that one and may have it rooted when you’re ready. Unfortunately, most have broken dormancy, so what isn’t already wrapped is too far along to wrap now. But, yes, you’re welcome to both. Please let me know when it’s good for you.
Thanks so much Kim. During my tour I believe I saw green wood on ILCx1-72-1 but will go out and double check that one and Shades of Pernet as well. I’ll let you know.
I used ILC-1-72-1 in a number of crosses two years ago and remember that it definitely passes on yellow color readily. I’d like to use it again this season for some interesting crosses.
I lost both to winter unfortunately. I did also find that there is another ILC seedling that you sent me ladt year that did survive. I don’t know if you have made it public so I won’t list full cross.
I love the color of Joycie but doing research here on her I’m reading that disease resistance is non existent with this one.
If you are starting with species or close-species hybrids then the good traits that Joycie offers outweigh the bad. A great deal depends on the partner you choose. The same is true, really, for any of the Moore and Saville mini’s.
Paul Barden got some very clean breeders with Anytime, Sherry Ann and Penny Ante if you want alternatives to Joycie. If you want some mildew resistant breeders get in touch with Rob Rippetoe and ask about his banksiae hybrids. Some of these are inventoried on HMF, see for instance his INNLB1 and Golda Banks derivatives.
I wish I could help you with the JoycieKordesii hybrid–Betsy shared it with me several years ago and I believe that she got her plant from Kim. Unfortunately, the plant was was a disease magnet here in Wisconsin and defoliated completely early in the season from blackspot. It never did look good and I discarded it after 2 seasons. While it was a yellow and it was a good bloomer, my recollection is that the blooms were a rather washed out shade of yellow here and quickly faded to near-white, although Kim’s photos on HMF certainly show a nicer rose. I guess it just didn’t like it here. As has already been said, I suspect that you could come up with something similar (but healthier) doing your own work.
Julie Overom (Z3B)
You have me thining of using Sherry Ann. Nice color and very fertile. Thank you for your input.
Sounds like I may not be missing out on anything worthwhile from Joycie x Kordesii. Thank you for sharing your experience with it. You are right about coming up with something similar but healthier. I’ve mentioned a couple Kordesii f1 that I have that would be good candidates to use. I’m thinking of Don’s suggestion of Sherry Ann as my miniature parent. Thank you both.