I got an OP Queen Elizabeth seed to germinate. That was incredibly quick. No sprouts but a nice split seed, so I planted it.
I may have to move that poor stick of a giving bush into the yard where she can build some canes, she’s certainly been very kind to me in my amateur efforts.
Paul, I think that you are right that roses do much better when provided a winter chill. In California, our seeds start to germinate shortly after they are planted in the greenhouse. We will finish planting our rose seeds tomorrow. I think that even if they have a prolonged first growing season (from January or February through to November), they do just fine the following year when given a couple months rest during our short winters here. If they were held over another year under lights, I don’t think that they would show much growth.
I do not like to see many germinations when I plant the seeds since we plant directly into seedling beds in the greenhouse. If there are too many with roots, you have to handle the seeds very carefully and invariably, some of the new roots are broken. Fortunately only one of the seed parents was germinating to a large extent while we were planting yesterday - ‘Pearl Sanford’. It germinates well (and quite early).
Adam, your microwaving experiment sounds very interesting. I was wondering though if you controlled for the 6 weeks in the fridge conditions. For example, were the Bonica seeds all kept together in the fridge, in the same container (ziplock or otherwise), or were they already separated into groups (microwave and non-microwave)? The reason why I am asking is that the same crosses stored in different bags can produce different germination patterns (probably a function of the amount of moisture in the bags and which fungi are active within the particular bag. Just a thought.
Max, QE is a very nice seed parent to use. Planting it outside will give you a very big plant with lots more hips and seeds - good luck!
Jim Sproul
I’m hoping germination slows down soon–I’m almost out of lighted space. Last year I couldn’t get the seeds to germinate–and this year they are in the mood.
But I am talking about 2 different crops of seeds. The seeds from pollinations in 2006 continue to germinate poorly (only about 30 since August) despite my reworking the medium they’re in. The seeds from pollinations this year are germinating pretty well–about 400 seedlings so far (135 potted in the last 3 days), and some have already bloomed. I have delayed finishing the processing of seeds from this crop–will try to get them going in March. Maybe by then I’ll have caught up with the seedlings I have.
No, I don’t know what I did that would have made such a difference. But we had a lot of sunshine this summer. Maybe that made the difference.
As maybe the last one here, the waiting is over, as I had finally had the first germination from a Westerland x Chinatown cross.
This cross could be interesting, as both parents have Cl
Sevilliana (Buck) x mixed tetraploid pollen germinated in 32 degree weather over Christmas, lol.
The first germinations have started - there were five yesterday of ‘Pearl Sanford’ X [‘Sam Trivitt’ X (‘Stainless Steel’ X ‘Baby Love’)]. The anticipation has begun!
Jim Sproul
Bo, you’re well ahead of me - I harvested and began cold-stratifying my seeds from October 19 through November 10, and they still haven’t shown any signs of sprouting. Happily, there is also no mold, which has been a frequent problem for me in the past.
I held my seed in the fridge until I could ready my planting areas. To prevent the furry vermin from feasting on them, they’re in raised boxes of 12" fir fencing with heavy plastic grid fencing stapled to frames for lids. One was created with hardware cloth, but the fencing is cheaper and easier to work with.
I got all seed under ground by Thanksgiving, with the first germinations beginning just at Christmas. The earliest to begin was (Yellow Magic X Little Darling)X (Dottie Louise X R. Fedtschenkoana). The second resulted from a cross I made simply because I had extra pollen. It’s Black Baccara X (Dottie Louise X R. Fed.) So far, the Black Baccara cross has more seedlings than any others. So far, I’m impressed that the seedlings are more mildew resistant than Black Baccara.
This bout of rain has stimulated more germination. I can’t wait to see what results from the selfs of Dottie Louise X R. Fed.!
Jim the two batch where in different Jip lock bags in the same fridge. They went in at the same time. I think I may have ruined the experiment however because my seeds have recently froze over in the shed. Luckly my seedlings I got so far is in the house and safe from the sub zero weather.
Stefan, surely yours should be out very soon I guess. I harvest my cross on October 16th, that
I have a lot of Rugosa OP seeds. yesterday I was veru curious about what was happening under the ground so I was looking and I found this. It’s in seed/cutting-soil so I don’t know if this is weed or a germinated Rugosa Madam Hastrupp seedling. I call it The Croc, images say more than words. 
Also a unknown OP (UNK27) seedling very close up:
Timo - Impressive croc close-up!
Amazing photos! It’s a rose alright.
Enjoying reading of everyone’s successes and getting much vicarious pleasure. Timo, your photos are SPECTACULAR. Keep them coming!
very fascinating how things grow.
rugosa hastrupp OP:
Rugosa hastrupp OP # 3 is coming up:
7 Pink Cloud x Golden Celebration just germinated today. The area whith these seeds was full of mould so I was cleaning them. I saw 7 seeds where open. I think I was just on time. some I had to put the embryos out of the shelve. I’m excited!
I have a Tammy Darlene x Purple Dawn germinating. Very exciting!
Lovely shots as usual; yes, it is not “normal” but does happen. I think there was a discussion on this a short while ago; try a search.