These are the first germinations from this winter:
Denver’s Dream x (Easy Going x Suzanne) the pollen parent is known as EGS1. Hoping for a miniature with unique coloring. I’m sure it will be very thorny.
Morning Blush x (Orange Surprise x First Impression) the pollen parent is known as 13-1. Orange Surprise is (Carefree Beauty x Rise N Shine) x (Carefree Beauty x Austrian Copper). I’m hoping for a yellow or peach OGR style bloom with mom’s health and rebloom from 13-1.
I’m really glad to see this cross germinate. Both parents are very clean here and I like that it is 25% soulieana. Hoping for some pretty blooms and repeat. Something with full bloom form and some yellow would by nice.
Lemon Splash x ((Fragrant Cloud x R. carolina) x R. virginiana)
The pollen parent is Tom Silvers’ “3/4 native”. I’m very hopeful that this is a hybrid and if so, I should get disease resistance and If I’m real lucky some repeat bloom. I don’t know if there are enough genes for repeat bloom or not. Some shade of yellow would be nice. If not, it’s a great step forward and maybe I’ll get repeat bloom with F2. Thank you Tom for the “3/4 native” plant.
You’re very welcome Rob! And thanks for your interest in working with it.
I got at least one repeating seedling from the mother of “3/4 Native” by crossing to ‘Carefree Sunshine’. It’s possible “3/4 Native” carries some of those same repeat genes from ‘Fragrant Cloud’ - the doubled flowers definitely trace back to that Hybrid Tea maternal grandmom.
As you said, you’ve got a good shot of getting some disease resistance in either case.
I’ve got some crosses of “3/4 Native” that should be germinating soon too, so hopefully one of us will figure out this season, whether it’s a repeat carrier or not.
I’m hoping we learn more about “3/4 Native” this season and it’s potential for passing on resistance and repeat bloom.
Today’s germination:
Strawberry Banana Swirl x Splashed!
The mother is Cal Poly x Strawberry Cream (miniature; Byrnes). The father is Splash of Color x Splash of Color (a red/white striped miniature of mine). Mom is extremely healthy but didn’t repeat well her first couple of seasons and I’ll be trying fresh soil with a good fertilizer to see if I can promote better repeat. Splashed! is a really nice red and white striped miniature of mine that repeats well. When I did the cross I was hoping to create a nice striped miniature with some shades of yellow, peach or apricot. Mom has nice coloring and form. I hope these are passed on.
This combines genes from R. nitida, R. rugosa and R. woodsii. From its HMF page: “Introduced 1998. A selection of Wood’s rose from the wild near Kimberley, BC, by W. Nicholls, UBC Botanical Garden. This vigorous clone exhibits compact growth with glaucous leaves, red petioles and young stems, suckering and superior flowering compared with typical forms.”
I’m not sure what to expect from this cross other than hardiness and disease resistance. Semi-double blooms and compact growth would be nice.
~ Apricot Twist x “3/4 Native”. Another cross using Tom Silvers’ “3/4 Native”, this time with an apricot miniature. Will there be repeat?
Rob, I really like your choices of ‘Lemon Splash’ and ‘Apricot Drift’ to match with “3/4 Native”.
Crossing my fingers those seedlings will be healthy rebloomers for you!!!
I used ‘Lemon Splash’ in two crosses last year and have a few germinations from each - pollen parents were ‘Plaisanterie’ and my F1 (rugosa X davidii).
Thank you. Both make good seed parents and I am also keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a healthy rebloomer in the bunch.
I like your crosses using Lemon Splash. I used pollen from your R. rugosa x R. xanthina on Lemon Splash and got some seed. Hopefully there will be germination! It should be very easy to tell if I get a hybrid of your pollen plant.
Today I’ve got germination from Pink Petticoat x Orantida. If a hybrid of Orantida it will be 25% R. nitida. I have a Lemon Splash x Orantida F1 from two seasons ago that is miniature and disease free. I’m hoping it blooms for the first time this season.
Another interesting cross for me that has germination today:
Lemon Splash x (Golden Angel x R. soulieana)
This cross combines nice doses of miniature, wichuraiana and soulieana blood. I’m looking for smaller stature, any shade of yellow, repeat bloom and great resistance to diseases.
This seedling should be hardy, given the parentage, and hopefully very resistant. Smaller stature and any shade of yellow, peach or apricot would be nice. Hopefully repeat bloom will be there as well. This is my first F1 using (Red Dawn x Suzanne) so I’m not sure what to expect.
Larry Davis’ Orange Surprise is (Carefree Beauty x Rise N Shine) x (Carefree Beauty x Austrian Copper).