What s clean in your garden?

The cleanest roses in my Rhode Island garden (very blackspot prone) garden are starting to show in the aftermath of Irene. The best roses for disease-resistance this year are:

Abigail Adams


Bubble Double


Dr. W. Van Fleet

Everblooming Pillar No. 124

Golden Arctic

Green Ice



Morning Magic

Rhode Island Red

R. wichuraiana

Scarlet Sensation

The Mayflower

White Cap

White Dawn.

Quote Don : It would help if folks would tell where they are located, too.

Sorry, Don.

My roses and myself are in eastern France

We pretty consistently have strong disease pressure here in Maryland - blackspot always worst, with the mildews and other various leafspotting diseases taking care of what the blackspot doesn’t defoliate. I haven’t gotten a chance to check most of the roses, but just wanted to add that ‘Home Run’ is AMAZING here. It looks like it hasn’t lost a single leaf and I haven’t seen any disease whatsoever.


Yes, I do grow Miss Blooms Alot. She is in an area that was a bit neglected through the heat so she has suffered a bit but is still showing signs of life with several OP hips. Ray told me you were wanting some cuttings so hopefully between the two of us we will have some. Ray’s place is pretty spread out and difficult to water so I don’t know how much he has lost but I expect he has lost some.

Miss Blooms Alot is a good Mother plant and also has decent pollen. I have a new seedling this year that is Miss Blooms Alot X Rise n Shine that I am really excited about, it now has buds for the 14th bloom cycle. I will be using it as breeding stock. I am hopeful that it will pass on the repeat blooming trait.