A new season is already started and this year I would like to try some of the old varieties. Does anyone have experience in breeding with the following roses as seed parent ?
Mmme Isaac Pereire
Paul Neyron
These seem to be healthy plants and I wonder if they would give some advantage for the seedlings.
Hello roseral, unfortunately, I can’t tell you anything about the roses you desired. But I have found a thread about ‘Peace’ here in the forum, pls see attached link below. Perhaps you will find some useful information here.
Otherwise, I would like to recommend the platform HelpMeFind. There you can check whether there are already descendants of your preferred rose and how the inheritance may turn out. This often gives a very good orientation, depending on the paternal parent of course. A Premium Membership even shows you the family tree, if the parents were specified, which is also very informative and helpful for all of us. Enjoy looking through!
I’ve tried several times, for amusement, to cross PN with both Maman Cochet and Marie van Houtte (object: 1st gen HT) with no success. Maybe 20% hip-set, and no germinations.
Hello Lee_hull,
Thank you for sharing your experience with PN. Much appreciated. This is exactly why I posted my doubts. I know that some roses are not fertile. Sometimes the hip falls down by itself, and some even develop hips, but never germinate. I will discard the idea of crossbreeding PN as mother plant.
Again, thank you very much.
Thank you for the link and for suggesting HMF.
I am a premium member of HMF and I will definitely go through the pages and try to find some more information there and while doing it, learn some more on how to navigate on HMF.
Best regards
I don’t know that I would give up so easily. Paul Neyron has lots of descendants, and even the esteemed Ralph Moore used it as a pollen parent in at least one instance (0-89-07).
Thank you. I did not use it as mother plant, but I have used the pollen from Paul Neyron on my other roses including Mme Isaac Pereire and I am excited to see what it will bring. What I already can see is that the pollen probably taken by the mather plants, due to strong red coloring of the border of the calix and sepals. Now it is a matter of time.