see germination from dry hips?

Today I have germination from Pink Meidiland x Bayse’s Purple. Hoping for a nice purple, maybe with a white eye, that is disease resistant, winter hardy and blooms its head off.

Today’s germination is New Dawn x Fire King. A disease resistant climber with Fire King’s vermillion color would be nice. I found it interesting to learn that Fire King was used in the breeding of Canadian roses such as Adelaide Hoodless, Morden Armorette and Morden Ruby. It is also in the ancestory of most, if not all of the Morden Series and Hope for Humanity. I’m sure it wasn’t chosen for its hardiness but rather for its coloring and hope that something interesting comes from this cross for me.

I was searching for info on ‘Basye’s Purple’ and came across this note. Did anything useful come from it?

Hi Karl. I don’t remember the particulars about that seedling other than that it did not survive. Too bad, as I thought it was an interesting cross.