Strange little greenish-white double with green (vegetative? Secondary bud?) centre. There already another bud, so I’ll have a few opportunities to judge the wee bugger, but it isn’t hideous.
There’s another half dozen in bud, and I’ll drop them into this thread as they come.
How often do OP Mutabilis seedlings come double btw? Anybody?
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Cute. Much darker on the back of the petals, and the front fades rather quickly to a barely-creamy shade. I’m noticing a lot of similarities in general plant shape between the OP ‘Mutabilis’ & OP ‘François Juranville’, which makes some sense as they are growing right beside each other.
Don’t look at the foliage!!! We had April temps and ALL of April’s rain in May this season, I don’t spray as a rule, and Black Spot ran rampant. I hates it, but c’est la vie, non!?
Nice long bud with deep colour on a very smooth stem, still lil prickles under the leaf though.
And a pair of buds on a sibling that is lightly prickled. Both these seedlings are very lanky compared to the others.
Ooh! NICE. Dark coral-tinted “almost red”, with some deepening of pigments where the sun hits! I like it, like, A LOT.
It’s been overcast and/or raining for the last few days. It’s at least a bit warmer at night, so BS isn’t spreading as wildly as it might be…
But still, first-blooms happen! I like the colour here, but the bud feels thin again, so likely a simple five-petal flower. On the plus side, it’s stems are completely smooth so far.
The “little green-eyed monster” that started this thread is about to bloom again, and is showing the vegetative centre (you can see the first bloom’s still-green centre near my pinky finger). It may be time to cull it out, although it is a healthy wee bugger with plenty of branches from the base, and seems clean of diseases so far too.
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Aaaand it opened! Nice and round, charming colour. So far, this is the only seedling that had set a cluster (well, two buds) at the terminus of the growth. Worth seeing what it does from here I’d say.
Second bloom from seedling number two. Still double, MUCH paler in the heat. Still a very dwarf plant, as are a few others I suspect to be ‘Mutabilis’ x ‘François Juranville’, in both directions.
BTW, I yanked out the wee Green-eyed Monster seedling. The second flower was uglier than the first, and though it was readily setting MORE BUDS, I felt it’s time had come. RIP.
I heard on a gardening program a lady who claimed that mutabalis helped make Emma Bridgewater hence it’s colour changing abilities. Anyone know if this is true?
These two seedlings (one from a Mutabilis hip and the other from a ‘François Juranville’ hip) MUST BE hybrids between the two, right? They are so similar, except in growth-habit; Mutabilis-borne is tall and slender, FJ-borne is widely branched.
I want to cross the two and see the variation.
One more first-bloom from the OP; one of the guard petals seems to have taken a hit from bacteria or fungus. The bud feels thin again, so probably another single.
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Well the joke is on me!! Thin bud had more going on than I knew; was a nice golden-yellow this morning, now faded to cream.
There are only seven (?) seedlings left in the OP Mutabilis row, and I think there are two slackers that have yet to give a bloom.
This single lovely is a BEAST & a Beauty. Strong basal branching and every one tipped in buds. Definitely a keeper for now!
Curiously, but perhaps not surprisingly, the lovely round & flat flower deepens in colour AND the petals curl longitudinally, making a kinda cute pinwheel effect. I like it, rather a lot. Excited to see it grow and fill out.
So I did the necessary, and have potted everybody up. The absolute STANDOUT is this one I’d say; health, beauty, certainly vigour!, and I noticed a lil bit of variegation down inside the bush. Definitely something to keep an eye on, in case it makes a stable branch.
Now will it survive our Wet* Coast Winter?
*not a typo.