Just wondering if anybody has any new germinations…LarryG.Popwell Sr.
Good to see that you waded thru the troubles and got your log-in to go! No, The seeds I have are still in warm stratification. Will get them in the cold part and then sow in late January. Hope to have some good seedlings this year - last few years haven’t been much - wish I had the ‘touch’ that Mitchie had when she was very active. Will see how this year goes!
Finally getting a few survivors from seed of R. glutinosa that Tom Silver was kind enough to furnish last year. I’ve been getting some germination from these off and on all year this year but until now all failed to thrive. I now have three that look good. Also have one seedling from Scarlet Moss using pollen from an R. arkansana clone from Larry Davis. It’s not very vigorous, but it is growing slowly. Really curious about this one. A few other things are popping up. I normally don’t plant this early, but the glutinosa germinations changed my normal schedule.
I just re-watered last year’s seed trays. Seed from 2011’s crosses will probably be planted shortly after boxing day. Spring fever is starting to set in… It is going to be a long winter.
I continue to have Show n Tell seeds germinate but nothing else so far. I’m on month two of stratification so I’ll be expecting some germinations starting next month.
I am getting starting to have some Synstylae material germinating (polyanthas and crosses of them with species from the same section like Rosa maximowicziana). In the past I struggled with this material. I would put it in the fridge with the other rose seed and often it wouldn’t germinate too well and seem to rot along the way or for some reason go downhill. I started putting it in a different cooler/fridge that is kept a bit warmer (50F). They seem to start to germinate readily after their cold stratification is met. The R. maximowicziana background seems to always germinate first.
I’m excited to try Calcium Nitrate on some seed. Thank you Larry for all you are doing pioneering in this area for us!!!
Thanks to the Calcium Nitrate solution I have 186 seedlings-and they are looking good, and continuing to pop up. I have never had such early germinations. Next week looks like it will take two days to pot up judging from the emerging radicles this week.
I did not get many seeds this year. All of mine have been stratified and sown in seed trays. So far I have seedlings of
(Julia Child X Monsieur Tillier) X Othello
Dame d’ Coeur OP
Dame d’ Coeur X Phaleonopsis
OP Seedling of Honey Perfume X (Julia Child X Monsieur Tillier)
(Julia Child X Monsieur Tillier) X (Heritage X Outta the Blue)
OP Seedling of Heritage X Outta the Blue
Honey Perfume X About Face
220 seedlings potted up in band pot so far and running out of room! Most are looking healthy and happy and culling this year is going to be very hard!
New this week are:
(Midnight Blue × (Orangeade ® × Rosa fedtschenkoana)) x OP
(Lilac Charm × Grey Pearl) x OP
Midnight Blue x Texas
Show n Tell x unknown
I should have mentioned that the first was from seeds recieved from Paul and the second from seeds received from Kim.
This is an open question to all, this cross Rob has, can anyone tell me the time frame it took to get to this stage,
Regards David.
(Midnight Blue × (Orangeade ® × Rosa fedtschenkoana)) x OP
(Lilac Charm × Grey Pearl) x OP
This is the first week with seedlings up. From my 2011 pollinations so far:
Gemini x John Cabot
Prairie Celebration x Everest Double Fragrance - this is the cross that I am really excited about
Carefree Beauty x John Cabot
Carefree Beauty x Julia Child
No activity in my seed trays from last year. I’ll give them until the end of Jan and then they are out of here.
Those are two different seedlings not one.
Sorry Rob, I mis-read the parrenthisis things, Regards David.
Not a problem David.
These are some of the seedlings that I have up so far:
[George Vancouver x (Choral x Suzanne)] x Frontenac
(Showy Pavement x R.blanda) x (Marie Pavie x R.blanda)
Belle de Crecy x (Carefree Beauty x John Cabot)
Schneezwerg x (Showy Pavement x R.blanda)
R.blanda x Blanc de Double Courbet
R.rugosa (tetraploid) x Frontenac
R.rugosa (tetraploid) OP
(R.arkansana OP) OP
Morden Centennial OP
Schneezwerg OP
Showy Pavement OP
Oso Happy Smoothie OP
This is from memory so there may be others as well.
Is the tetra rugosa, “Rugosa #3”?
No, it’s one I grew from OP seed from a plant that David was partially successful at doubling the chromosomes on. I measured the pollen grains from it last year and they were in the tetraploid range. So either it’s a tetraploid or it’s a diploid that has unreduced gametes. R.rugosas are notorious for releasing pollen early so I was concerned that the seeds from it are all selfs. But some of the seedlings have red stems and some have green stems so that gives me hope that there is a mixture of genotypes there. Once they develop their true leaves I’ll know for sure.
Howdy Paul;
Would you be able to tell me the size range of diploid and tetraploid pollen. To get the measurement do you use a glass slide with a grid, and what size lens do you use?