I am propagating this week: any requests?

If there are roses you have longed to add to your collection but can’t find, I might have them here. (I have an archive of well over 2000 varieties) I am loading up the propagation house this week and I’m willing to take requests if there’s something you want to add to your breeding stock. No, I don’t have a list of what I have here, collating a list of 2500 varieties is a task I have not yet had the courage to do. (imagine that!)

Let me know if there is anything you are looking for, and if I can propagate it for you, I will.

Paul B.

Do you know what they all are??? Massive job!

Does this include your breeding stock or your introductions?

Simon, yes, for the most part I know them all by name. There are likely a few old HTs I’d have to find their tags to ID them, but I’d say 99.5% I know by location.


I am not volunteering to propagate my named varieties, no. Those can be bought through Rogue Valley Roses. There are likely some of my breeding stock cultivars I am willing to share, so feel free to ask if there is something specific you have in mind and I’ll let you know :slight_smile:



I would like a start of Everybloom #1, Twister, and Persian Light. Mr. Moores roses are hard to find. I did have Twister 10 years ago but a late freeze after everything had started to bloom killed it.



Hi Paul

I have been trying to find Lady of the Dawn and Geisha.

I am new and I want to try Flouribundas and minis

Bill Dolen


If you have the moss Eug


I don’t have Lady of the Dawn, no. Nor Geisha, sorry. I’ve removed most of the Floribundas from my collection because of disease issues.


I don’t have Eug



My Roundelay is in bad shape this year, for some reason. I don’t know if it has any wood suitable for propagation. I’ll check.


I will see what I can do about propagating those three. I think Persian Light may have been killed in last Year’s cold snap. :frowning:

Don, I have Eugenie Guinoisseau for you. It does indeed bloom perpetually. It has blooms and buds on it right now. I’ll bareroot it and send it to you in the fall when the leaves start falling.

If you have any of these Ross Rambler or Euphrates. I can’t find these plants at all. Besides that I would be interested in Vera Dalton or MAGseed.


Magseed is a b*tch to propagate from cuttings. That said, I put in a few about 3 weeks ago and it looks like one or two might take. I need a backup plant, so I’ll keep one for myself, but if there are extras, I will save one for you. I grow neither Euphrates nor Ross Rambler. I believe there are RHA members who grow Ross Rambler, so maybe one of them will see this and offer cuttings.


I would love to get my mitts on any of these: Surprise, Surprise (had one once, from Uncommon Rose, but it died of unknown causes), Brown Study, Most Unusual Day.




Brown Study can be purchased from Roses Unlimited.

Most Unusual Day can be purchased from Burlington Rose Nursery (Burling was Ralph’s chief propagator, she now has her own nursery: burlingtonroses.com) I suspect she can also provide Surprise Surprise as a custom root plant, if requested.

Burling and I are friends. She did not get most of Ralph’s roses when they closed Sequoia, as they were contracted to go elsewhere, and they did go there. I have given her cuttings of many of my Ralph Moore roses (and a few others), and she’s slowly been collecting cuttings from others as well. She told me today that she doesn’t have even a stock plant of Surprise, Surprise. Maybe you could start one for her? She does have a stock plant of Most Unusual Day, which must be a recent addition for her – no cuttings on that one yet.


Thanks for that info. I’ll see if I can get a plant of Surprise Surprise to her, if she wants it. She got Most Unusual Day from me, last year. I hope she plans on budding it, because its a hopeless plant on its own roots. (and in fact, only slightly less hopeless grafted. Not sure why Ralph released this plant. It must have been solely for its novelty factor)

Regarding Burling: I have offered her access to my complete Moore archive (I have 99% of the Moore roses that were in Sequoia’s possession in its final year) and she has requested only a handful of varieties. Burling can have material from anything I have here when she wants it, but I think she is being very selective about expanding her catalog at this stage, adopting only varieties she knows she can sell in reasonable quantities. I think thats a wise business decision, especially considering the state of the rose industry right now.

PS: Brown Study is a poor plant: I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Yes, I have it here, but it has never exceeded 15" tall and has chronic disease problems. It flowers only occasionally and flower quality is rather poor. I may just dig it out this Fall and send it to you. I need the room for better plants.

“especially considering the state of the rose industry right now.”

Sequoia, Nor’east, Appalachian?.. and now Eurodesert

and as said, this will mean a restriction in varieties available for sure.

Just a note: a few of my roses ordered from RU this year had severe stem canker (to be meant as a constructive criticism)… I have a feeling that they spend winters in a cold greenhouse.

Paul – I’ll look forward to seeing Brown Study if “digging it out and sending it my way” comes to pass. Sometimes I can bring around “a poor plant.” They get lots of love and tolerance here. The last time I ordered from RU I got a mislabeled plant (ordered Orchid Legacy, a mauve shrub, got Evergreen Gene, a giant once blooming yellow climber).

Any Ralph Moore I do not have I will buy. Other than obtaining them via you, I fear many will be lost. Anything you might want from my garden can be put under my misters as well.

