First seeds harvested

Hips galore, never had so many on year old seedlings. Just started year six but a total bust this year for new seedlings.

Other than rooted cuttings planted early on, pressing matters just kept pilling on to the point of not even looking at the seed trays. No big loss.

Year seven should be the turning point for F-2s, maybe.

I’m interested in crossings with Reine des violettes. Which crossings gave hips? Do you already have seedlings from RdV from former years?

I’m interested in crossings with Reine des violettes. Which crossings gave hips? Do you already have seedlings from RdV from former years?

The pestles are messed up. Try the pollen or cut the pestles and try mixed pollen. Normal hips have no seed.

Thank you!
Here are several versions in commerce. I planted one in a “kindergarden” a few years ago, always in bloom and big, but more pink than purple. It sets hips sometimes, only few, but I opened them and they contained a few seeds, about four per hip. But nothing germinated. I had two seedlings from RDV a few years ago, used pollen of them on Florence Delattre, Wonnhalde and Rosana (they are in HMF). But they are lazy bloomers and growers.

The source of my Reine des Violettes was a store called Lowes. The pistils on mine look normal. Last year was my first year using it, so I don’t know much about it yet. I put mixed china, tea, and polyantha pollen on it and got an average of 6.75 full size seeds per hip. Hip set seemed about average, although I didn’t count that. My RdV makes some pollen, although the quantity is a bit less than average. I put it on Clotilde Soupert and it set well. I haven’t tried to germinate them yet.