Hi all,
In order to show you the picture of this red climber I spotted today, I need advice on how to download my pictures directly onto this thread, rather than posting some link…
Hi all,
In order to show you the picture of this red climber I spotted today, I need advice on how to download my pictures directly onto this thread, rather than posting some link…
Picture 1
Picture 2.
Here you can see the size of the flower relative to my hand. The flower has a very very faint tea scent.
The plant has canes that arch up to about 2 metres.
The silky velvety petal texture and the purity and vividness of the red colour made me take this flower as well as one OP hip which contained 3 viable embryos (now incubating!!).
Don Juan?
There are so many red climbers with hybrid tea flowers… they tend to be generic looking by now.
Maybe if you posted pics of the whole bush and individual shots of the leaves and sepals…
Don Juan gets a purple tone in the summer heat.
I’ve never seen Don Juan with that light a color/that unsaturated a red. I grew several in New Orleans (zone 9/10) and there, in that heat the petals were much larger than in the photo.
Did the climber Red Fountains ever get imported into OZ? When it was first patented, it was a major seller and I had it in Houston where it bloomed better the one or two winters we had temps below freezing, but not so much as to damage the unprotected canes. It’s been around maybe 25 years which is long enough for the name to be lost, but for established plants to come into their own.
I was thinking, ‘Red Fountain’ too Ann, or possibly, ‘Paul’s Scarlet’.
Yeah, the petals definitely look pre-1980s.
Enrique, here is a picture of a tiny cutting I made showing leaf size…there were 5 leaflets here. The terminal leaflet has been cut out, and two leaflets have been cut in half, to help strike the cutting…
Enrique, here is a shot of the sepals for you…
Picture 4…
Picture 5…
I have seen the colour deepen to crimson at other times of the year.
Anne, I am not able to find “Red Fountain” in the catalogue of Australia’s largest rose collector and supplier of budwood, so this may rule it out?
Enrique, apparently “Don Juan” has a pretty strong fragrance according to HMF- this rose has only a mild hint of tea/fruit.
Paul-N-R, “Paul’s Scarlet Climber” is available in this country, however I would not say that the flower of this unknown plant is large nor does it have particularly large leaves, and the canes are not thornless (as is suggested in HMF about P-S-Climber). Also the flowers are sparse and not reminiscent of a floribunda/polyantha in their production. It seems to behave more like a climber with the odd flower here and there.
Sorry, Paul-N-R should read Robert-N-R!!
Sorry, Anne should read Ann!!
Roses come and go like fashions.
Just because a variety isn’t available today doesn’t mean it might not have once been common.
A great many roses that were once common are now extinct or nearly so.
Many live on unidentified in miscellaneous gardens, yards, cemeteries around the world.
Roses are becoming more and more a disposable commodity, sadly as are rose hybridizers.
The likes of Ralph Moore and his ilk are long behind us.
Robert-N-R, very wise words…
The flower has sat in the room overnight, and today is very warm…now the fragrance has changed from a hint of scent to a moderate tea/fruity scent, but it is definitely not strong.
Since I have nothing better to do with my day today, here is a picture of the embryos, just before they were “cultured”… I have one more than I originally thought!!
I hope to have 4 seedlings in about 8-14 days time… lets see… Sometimes they develop green leaves and a stem, but are recalcitrant when it comes to forming an actual rootlet… I think this may be one reason some embryos fail to escape their achene “encosure”…
“Climbing Dublin Bay”??
Although earlier I mentioned I had not seen a floribuunda-type display on it, (just the occasional flower here and there) the more I think about it the more I realise this actually doesn’t mean anything…maybe the plant is in decline and the flower display is just not as good as it could be…