That’s good progress, Robert. You could have got way worse colors from that cross. It has Playboy on both sides? It sure does get around a lot >:)
Playboy is on both sides going back, Yes.
Playboy does get around. It’s very fertile, as you know. Some folks so it’s disease resistant and others not so much.
The next seedling out of this cross looks like it is going to be pink.
Robert, nice color. Definitely a ‘Home Run’ baby!
Jim Sproul
I like the appearance of your hybrid more than that of the original home run. Good looking hybrid.
Robert - nice baby photo!! Several of the seedlings that I have posted pics of have rebloomed and in some cases it looks like the petal number is increasing. Not all that surprising.
Yes, petals usually increase and size gets larger.
This one could easily end up a semi-double. Another seedling will bloom soon.
I think it will have more petals. I will post as soon as it flowers.
I agree with Steve, I like the petals better. They look smoother and more velvet.
Here is the second seedling to flower. It’s about what I would expect, not bad, but not a color I would have preferred.
Robert, I sort of agree about the color, but you never know - it may be a very useful parent. Your first seedling set a pretty tough standard though. Home Run keeps on surprising me, a white one opened up last week in my Cal Poly x Home Run seedlings.
Keep the pictures coming, it is nice to see the range in variation that is coming out of Home Run.
White would be a surprise Liz. Dortmund x Home Run should bloom soon. I think it’s going to be red!
I’ll be using Home Run more this season now I know it is successful.
Last year was my last season with Dortmund however.
Ohhh, you gave me an idea.
Shadow Dancer x Home Run would be a good F1 for colorful shrubs (I’d prolly cross it back to something bright, bi-colored).
One of the issues I have with Dortmund is that a large amount of seedlings have mildew, or are Dortmund lookalikes. It’s hard tor esist that foliage look tho! So, Im wondering if Shadow Dancer fixes this?
Yep!! I am finding mildew this Spring on some Dortmund seedlings. I would think Shadow Dancer x Home Run an excellent cross.
I have seen that a fair percentage of the ‘Home Run’ seedlings do not bloom that well. Now and then are seedlings however, that are quite floriferous. I will mainly use it with floriferous other parents.
Jim Sproul
That was my major dislike of Home Run, Jim. It is VERY well-branched, but it lacks the amount of blooms per stem that I like. So, I have a hard time thinking of decent crosses due to that.
Dieback may not be an issue for those who grow vigorous repeat blooming varieties in northern climates, but can you tell if Home Run is cane hardy for zones 4/5 Ontario? How much winterkill will it suffer in an open location without protection?
Dee, I mounded my Home Run and that was the extent of winterizing it. I looked at it tonight and there is definitely die back on the canes, not to the extent that you see on hybrid teas up here. At least in my yard, it was showing as much as my Buck roses, which I find do show a fair amount of die back. THe Canadian roses on the other hand show essentially no die back. As an aside, my Lambert Closse x Hot Cocoa seedling from last year is showing only minor die back on the canes!!!
Here’s the latest but not the greatest. It’s that in between red color. There are still a few seedlings yet to bloom.
I’m getting some fun new seedlings this year.
I am using Home Run again but my little plant can only produce so many blossoms.
I like the petal shape on your latest, perhaps the color will become a bit more interesting in future blooms.
I’m also planning on using Home Run again this year. It will be interesting to see how many of these seedlings will be disease free. The Morden Sunrise x Home Run seedlings will be blooming soon, can’t wait to see what comes out color wise.
The tendency for me seems to be toward that muddy red color.
Yes, I’ll be interested to see what you get as well.
I probably won’t repeat this cross since I got at least one one nice red out of it.
I’ll probably take the red seedling and use it in place of Home Run next season if all goes well.
Maybe it will set hips??
“The Morden Sunrise x Home Run seedlings will be blooming soon…”
Speaking of Modern Sunrise, have any of you seen the new Tequila? Bonica x Golden Holstein. It looks very similar to Modern Sunrise. It could probably mix well with Home Run, too.