Thanks Stefan,
Another one this morning,
Will plan on crossing Polstjarnan both ways. Also waiting to see if R. beggeriana nigrescens (sic) does a small first bloom and if it does,will jump on it,to try and get color transfer.
Time to start planning next year’s trials with existing roses.
Step 2 continue hunting to fill more of ploidy data on garden examples - done doing random pairing selections except for odd lark or two.
One avenue l will pursue is going back to finding more mates for R. fedtschenkoana as it did so well crossing with the purple gallica. No good so far as a seed parent.
Seem to give that “pliable twiggy” cane structure l’ve seen on some “climbers / ramblers”. Also some germinations produce upright “stiff”. Early days but l tend to go with impressions until more in the garden growing proof.
Seems tetra with tetra worked well. Fed is hardy in my zone whereas my other success mate, Cabot, is semi-hardy (another successful pollen parent).
And next to paramount, continue with R. xanthina crosses with related spinosissima, and target for double and color palette. Again hardy seed parent and based on species experience with its seedlings, maybe a 1:10 chance of “super seedling" (for growth).
Looking for repeat on crossings, way down the road. Liking once bloomers though RDxS very reliable repeater for me - excluding rugosas.
To belabour the point, In 3 days (+/- 1 day) this hardy species has germinated to green, 11 seedlings as of this morning, at the third temperature (T3) value of 18-20C.
This 3 day performance is after temperature conditioning stages of 4 months (T1) at -2 to 0 C, 30 days (T2) of 2 to 4 C, then followed by house ambient T3, of 18 to 20C.
Best absolute germination value for my tries for ~ same number of seeds (+/- 15%) in shortest ambient exposure time (3 days). Disciplined normalization not done because green initiation duration was so short from start of T3 exposure (3 days).
As another yard stick comparison, crosses in same conditioning run have “0”, or aka no germinations to green showing.
Fortunately l took a picture of a seed that attracted my attention at the end of T2 during transfer to T3 trays.
Only one l noted to have what appeared to be a true root starter. Familiar with fake looking starts. They are small seeds showing me size doesn’t matter in germination.
Ooops !!! 12th by 12 noon MST. Even dozen for first time.
Update Jan 10 /23
New, “MY world germination record” shattering records set earlier this week and last few years,
18 germinations of R beggeriana
Fortunately yesterday began upping my germination game in “holding capacity” area.
Began increasing nursery capacity through Costco supplied low capital hardware infrastructure additions- work in progress.
Will demo old HD support sketchy rig and remove 120 gallon unused aquarium to get real estate at nursery.