I’m stratifying in peat this year.
My potted Pretty Polly Pink pollinations weren’t ripe when winter hit so I pulled the pots inside for a month or so to let the seeds ripen.
David has mentioned that polyantha seed germinates better at a straight 50 degrees F rather than being given a conventional cold stratification period. Therefore I kept these seeds on a cool windowsill.
When I pulled them out to check for early germinations a while ago I could find NO seeds in the bags. Anything that looked like a seed put up no more resistance to rubbing my fingers together than a rice hull. I spotted some tiny white worms.
Today I double checked and still can’t find any seeds and saw the white worms in the picture. They’re moving slowly.
So maybe this is why I haven’t had luck germinating Darrow’s Enigma and other polys. I actually did spray some imidacloprid and trebucolan on these in the summer, but obviously not enough. In the future I’m going to douse the hips with imidacloprid and soak the seeds in it before stratifying.
It would be interesting if anyone knew what these worms are and if they only hit polyantha seeds. I remember Margit mentioning something about a wasp larvae? They’re definitely different than the bigger grub-like worms that resemble achenes and freak you out when your seed starts writhing.
See picture: