Wichurana shrublets

I just came home with White Drift today. It was 40% off and absoultely beautiful. It looked as if it hadnt weathered at all. Many roses at nurseries look like hell warmed over by this time of the year. It has small hips on it, too. It is reminiscent of the dwarf Rosa wichurana poter…something. Another good thing is that the prickles are not numerous like on The Fairy or other similar plants. The only flaw I saw is a pink tinge on wet petals. The branching habit was superb.

Ive also been using Carefree Marvel. I consider it superior to Flower Carpet in every way. This year I got Firefighter (I was curious lol) and Shadow Dancer to stick to it.

Next year I play on using others with these two roses.

ps. the HMF pics of Carefree Marvel suck. It looks better in person but at least you can see the wichurana foliage.

Link: www.helpmefind.com/rose/pl.php?n=44885&tab=1

HMF accepts pictures of better quality too. You might send some since your plant looks pretty good. It would be a good deed and would help everyone.

Yup. I know that but my digicam died. If it was still working or I could afford a new one (Im a college student…) I’d have doen that plus shown you all some of my seedlings. :smiley:

hah! found the patent finally.


(Rosa wichurana x The Fairy) x Iceberg

I have no clue what the ploidy is, though. Iceberg never makes sense to me. It is like New Dawn meaing that I never know what the resulting ploidy could possibly be. It could be a 1+2. I dunno. It seems fertile, though.

I thought Robert may be interested in it to get more synstylae in his hybrids.

I’ve already got wichuraina through New Dawn’s descendant, ‘Armada’. They do root easily.

Strangely the cross I did of ‘Armada’ x ‘Granada’ seems to have produced a white shrublet looking thing. It defintely wants to stay low and spread.

It’s not overly suprising (although rare maybe) because Tiffany has a white sport and Calvacade has a lot of yellow in it.

I just realized your cross has more than one dose of wichuriana.

I would have thought that White Drift along with roses like Grouse, Patridge and Carefree Marvel would be ideal for those that want to add wichuriana in their stock. I thought White Drift was particulary interesting due to the multiflora lineage, too.

I know I want to cross White Drift with Rosa rugosa alba for sure. If the Rosa rugosa alba x Baby Love seeds from this year sprout and flower I will try that on White Drift. Id also like to add yellows and oranges to it. It’s just difficult to find healthy stock in that reguard.

Jadae, ‘Granada’ is descended from wichurana?

Armada is: New Dawn x Silver Jubilee

New Dawn- (R. wichuraiana

Thanks Jadae, wichurana is a distant ancestor with Silver Jubilee, but it’s definitely there.

I like Armada but it’s definitely a mixed bag. It tends to produce pastels and little scent. Seedlings root well. I’ll keep playing with it and see what I can come up with. I think we are largely limited by the seed parents that work in our respective climates.

I’ll let you know next year about Toprose in reguard to seed setting ability. Hopefully it will rival Solitaire.

In case anyone has not noticed. Mike Shoup at Antique Rose Emporium in Brennem, Texas has been quietly hybridizing his Texas Pioneer roses. What is interesting is that he has used R. Wichurana a lot. I just received and today planted three of his R. Wichurana shrublets. Naturally I don’t know if any are fertile or not but I believe it is worthwhile trying. Star of the Republic is suppose to be his best, orange blend, Graham Thomas X R. Wichurana. I also got Republic of Texas, light yellow, The Fairy X R. Wichurana and Engelmann’s Quest, (The Fairy R. Wichurana) X Baby Love. These are reported to be very disease resistant as are most of the Texas Pioneer Roses. Good luck.
