Which is in your opinion the breeding line?

Surfing the web I found a japanese site with same hybrids probably of Tigris.

Does anyone know those crosses?

Link: ec.keiseirose.co.jp/jump.php?PG=kikaku&T=plan_082

The middle one looks like a descendant of Rosa wichurana, such as Repandia. Who knows for the rest.

Alessandra, yes I would guess that ‘Tigris’ is behind all of them. However, almost anything could be part of the breeding line.

Jim Sproul

Supposedly, they have been bred by Interplant (a dutch company), but they are not on the market here yet (I live in the Netherlands).

For the middle one I second Jadae. What about Tigris x Immensee? A Flower Carpet rose with a blotch :slight_smile:. Jim, wouldn’t it be useful to incorporate such wichurana descendants, preferably the newest generation, in your Hulthemia breeding line? It would raise resistance to BS, but may decrease fragrance.


Carefree Marvel would be a great thing to mix with Hulth descendants. That is what I would do. Another possibility is mixing them with Electric Blanket.