What's your favorite fragrance?

What are some of your favorite fragrances for roses? My personal fave is Vavoom, and the hips have a nice flavor as well.

That is a tough one! I am drawn to the candy-like and myrrh fragrances. For example, I cannot put down the Austin roses Heritage, Tamora, or Buck’s Distant Drums once I pick a flower. They are intoxicating. The same with Pink Peace and Chrysler Imperial - much different fragrance type than the Austin’s but equally as delicious.

But Fragrant Cloud is my hands down favorite of all. There is nothing else quite like it.

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Felicite Parmentier and De Rescht


Bulgari’s BLACK from the mid-90’s.

In roses, ‘Sweet Fairy’ smells exactly like the wild roses where I was born, ‘Nymphenburg’ is eyes-rolling-into-the-back-of-my-head sweet damask, and ‘Abraham Darby’ smells like a delicious fruit-syrup I want to drizzle generously on ice cream.
‘Golden Wings’ and ‘Graham Thomas’ are both “tea”, but of different strengths and flavours…
‘Night Owl’ is sweet & “soapy” with a hint of clove, while ‘Lady of Shalott’ is undeniably fragrant, but so complex it’s difficult to put in words.
Favourites? Nah.

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Secret Garden Musk almost burns as you inhale, very intoxicating. Francis E Lester would be second. Personally not a fan of the myrrh scent in Austins. Steve

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My favorites have been spice, earth angel, tipsy imperial concubine, and lady emma hamilton. Such good fragrances.

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Golden Celebration and Westerland

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Nothing has topped Sheila’s Perfume for me personally, Double Delight comes closest.


Sterling Silver by several orders of magnitude over all others, then Tiffany.

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Double Delight and Mister Lincoln, heavenly fragrance.


Welcome Everpop! Where are you on your rose breeding journey?

Hello James_D, thank you for the welcome, I am Benjamin Evans and I been growing roses for 25+ years, I am just starting to get into Rose breeding, I haven’t made a cross yet but eventually, I am gathering knowledge about Roses and their breeding, I intend to grow roses from OP Bee Crosses just to practice germinating, caring, flowering and eventually do the same thing with actual cross pollinations, I am hoping to create fragrant miniature hulthemias maybe striped ooh that just made me giddy for that goal, hope you are well :slight_smile:


Welcome, Everpop! You’re going to have FUN! Of your mentioned goals, raising stripes is likely the easier one to achieve.Hulthemia types can be raised fairly easily with all of the Sproul material out there but raising one which is sufficiently heat stable (blotches bleach out in heat and bright sun) is more difficult than obtaining stripes. Scent is even more difficult as it isn’t as easy to predict. Good luck!


Hello Benjamin! I look forward to seeing how it goes :smiling_face:


Hello Roseseek and James_D happy to be here, I look forward to contributing to this forum and roses in general :smiley:


My favorite fragrance is Damask. I do not have a very sensitive nose, however the following are pleasant to me from amongst my collection: Etoile de Hollande, Eugene de Beauharnais, Talisman, Mister Lincoln, Tamora, Abbaye de Cluny, Rhapsody in Blue, and President Herbert Hoover.


My most favorite fragrance is on the hybrid tea ‘Stephen’s Big Purple’; I always have one growing in my yard for that reason. Next comes the fruity notes on some of David Austin varieties, the spicy gallica of Duchess of Portland, Damask and rugosa.

mine is astrid grafin von hardenberg.
and charles darwin was also great