What else do you breed/hybridize?

Those iris are beautiful Johannes. I’ve grown quite fond of Neomericas and their cousins. “Walking Iris” are incredibly happy here.

[attachment 880 neomerica1.JPG]


Nice plants and appear stronger than gilliesii that is common here.

I see there are plenty of seeds. A dozen each will be more than needed.

“Seeds” “No value” is OK there are no restriction for seeds in Europe.

I recently got orange flowered Buddleja polystachia seeds wild collected in Tanzania. Interested?

Joe not Simon :wink:

Blue Whooly Mammuth is a ready made new dark purple fruited tomato that is very hairy/fuzzy all over: fruit and plant.

Thanks Pierre, but on the buddleja, I’ll have to pass. It looks a bit “weedy” and a potential fire issue for this hill. I am IN a fire zone and the fire department is very neurotic (and unreasonable as Los Angeles is looking for ANY reason to fine you to raise badly needed revenue). Thank you, though.

Please send me your mailing address and I can get the seeds off to you this week. Now, I need to come up with pulcherima seeds or decently priced plants. These things cost an arm and a leg around here and they are EASILY raised from seed!