Viraraghavan Amber Cloud

Has anyone got experience with this one. It seems like it might be a good yellow.

It works as seed and pollen parent. Apparently it will repeat in some climates. It does not repeat in mine. I have a few crosses coming along now using it as seed parent. I hope I get some remontant offspring.

‘Amber Cloud’ is a very powerful climber in a mild climate.

The blossoms are really quite amazing.


The first seedlings using ‘Amber Cloud’ as seed parent blossomed today. Unfortunately I couldn’t photograph them earlier in the day. We are quite warm now so the blossoms are faded.

See link for related miniature helenae hybrid.


Here is the page for the blossom photo posted.


I have been looking at that rose for a while, but where does one purchase it? I can put it right next to Mermaid, which looks like the perfect companion for it.

Enrique, I gave it to Roses Unlimited. I’d think their propagation stock should be ready to go soon. Check with them.


If I didn’t know better, I’d think a bit of Pearle d’Ore and/or Cecile Brunner got into play.

I really didn’t expect to see that petal form. Is the first row of petals the same or are they broader?


Ann, I suspect these blossoms will look much different under cooler conditions. The petal count ought to be higher and the color richer. They will no doubt be larger in size. It’s a miracle anything is blooming here now in our extreme heat, and for us, humid conditions.

I suspect this blossom will turn out to be atypical as most first blossoms are. Yes, there is a resemblance to Perle d’or. I was surprised when I looked at the label for the cross.

Hello Robert & Enrique: thanks for info on amber cloud. As you know, Adair is very interested in climbers and in gigantea which she has on order pending cooler weather and she raves about the performance of her Sirohi Sunrise which I brought back in a pot from N.C. As Enrique thinks your rose will compliment Mermaid, our favorite, we’ll add it to our Roses Unlimited list, but you failed to give it a name – how do we ask for it when the time comes. Robert, I can’t believe it is as hot and humid where you are as it has been in Alexandria with temperatures toping 100!

Bob in New Orleans

Hi Bob, it takes awhile to evaluate seedlings so no telling if or when my Amber Cloud offspring will ever be offered retail.

Of course I can always try to propagate some them and get them to you in the future. Your area sounds like a very good climate for testing.

Apparently Rose Unlimited has ‘Amber Cloud’ coming but they aren’t ready for release as yet.

The Palm Springs, CA area is one of the hottest gardening climates on earth. The trade off is that humidity is usually low and of course the Winters are mild. Things grow very quickly and we get to wear shorts 9 mos. out of the year, when we’re not in the pool. :wink:

This time of year we sometimes get Summer rainstorms passing through when the humidity can be oppressive. The roses hate it but this too shall pass.

No climate is perfect. Blackspot is practically non-existent here so we have to send out for testing.

lol Robert. What the heck is a pool? !!! haha no one here has a pool or a basement (which can be called a pool here, I guess lol)

lol Jadae: No one in New Orleans has a basement either, but everyone seems to have a pool – and I disconnected the heater for mine as being superfluous a couple of months after we moved in.

Robert Rippetoe: I’ve worn short sleve shirts on Christmas day here. We also had one of the few snows I have seen in my lifetime. But we can always depend on the blackspot whatever the weather as it is ALWAYS humid.

BS is annual here as well :slight_smile: As is the intense humidity. As I like to call it, this part of Oregon is a giant fishbowl. It is valley within valley with mountains with a ton of humidity piped in.

Not the best picture but here is the first blossom of Amber Cloud x Riverbanks.

Strangely enough it looks very close to what I though it would look like.


Not the best photo but here is the first blossom from this cross taken today.

Amber Cloud x Leonie Lamesch.

The Reve D’or lineage is quite apparent. Cutter bees have been at it a bit.


That’s a beauty… I really like this one.

Cute!!! I tried Danae x Leonie Lamesch this year :slight_smile: Im glad you got result and a neat color out of it. Working with yellow tones, especially yellow ogr’s, is such a gamble…

Thanks, yeah, I’m trying to quantify yellow and work gigantea into my diploid lines. I hope remontancy improves.

These seedlings took a long time to flower for the first time. I would have assumed they were mostly once flowering.

Perhaps they are?

Jadae did you get hip set out of Danae x Leonie Lamesch?

Yeah, 3 huge hips are getting plumper by the day. Harvest is in a month. I dont even know what to expect, to be honest. I just figured it felt like a good match even though Danae is such a shotgun effect hybrid. Hell, I dont even know it’s ploidy or true lineage other than it is some derivitive of Trier…

It sounds like a good cross to me.