I know Davis sells it, but I’m too late for winter delivery. Might anyone here either grow or know where I might obtain VI IXLR now, please? I wish to create a hedge of taller tree roses to block the view of two down hill neighbors’ truly UGLY roofs and houses. I know VI is no guaranty, but I want to start as clean as possible, particularly since I want to use some of my seedlings. I’m happy to pay postage and whatever you feel is fair for your efforts. Thank you! Kim

Hey Kim,

I’m not sure what that is???

Jim Sproul

‘Virus Indexed ???’

Found it Jim…


The explanation I was given years ago for the name is,

“I excel as a rambler, I excel as a root stock”. It was gorgeous on its own in Newhall, but went away many years ago. It’s purple much of the time; roots extremely easily; shoots up inch thick, many feet long whips in a matter of a few months and accepts just about any scion. The downsides are the huge area it requires for mother plants for commercial propagation and its proclivity to sunburn. Tree paint should take care of that problem and as long as I protect it from gophers and rabbits, and run a hose to it, there is enough room on the rear hill to let it go crazy, as I plan to do with the Fortuniana this summer.

I’ve seen very old standards around which must be IXLR trunks, as thick as both of my forearms. It gets so thick and woody, it can almost be free standing.

Thanks Simon and Kim!