Trading each other's roses or pollen or seed?

Everyone has so many goals and we could stream line a few of them.

I remember a few people were working wanting to work with Basye’s Amphidiploid that isn’t through Kim’s Hybrids or Basye’s Legacy. I so happen to have a hybrid with yellow flowers. I would be willing to share pollen and op seeds (and cuttings in the future.)

I’ve been interested in working with Carolina… but I don’t have space to work from scratch. If I could pick up from someone else’s works-- I would in exchange of giving up something of my own.

Those working with Persian Sunset… it would be nice of you to share spare seed.

What I’m getting at-- If we all share, we could increase the possibilities of creating even more novel roses, or stream lineing things together.

Abraham Darby X Basye’s Amphi should be blooming more than it did before, meaning I could exchange pollen for whatever pollen you have.

I also have a mature Queen Elizabeth X Basye’s Legacy that isn’t thornless but disease resistant and particularly beautiful in habbit. It has TONS of pollen. For those who is working with seedlings of Basye’s Legacy… my rose could offer some aid to your work.

Thanks for the generous offer. And thanks to other generous people here who have sent valuable seeds.

Several amphidiploid seedlings from Henry Kuska are growing like weeds in the basement.

In the early 70s Paul Jerabek ( see: "Paul Jerabek" roses - Google Search )shared not only seeds but plants with me when I was first getting started. He also shared his extensive rose hybridizing knowledge.

Since then, many others have continued this tradition.


I have a persian sunset but I haven’t been having much luck with it. However if it sets some hips you are welcome to the seeds, after seeing how well it likes my care (or weather, who knows) I don’t want to try anything with it, I can only imagine how swiftly I’d kill the seedlings. I must admit though I’ve never tried to ship pollen or seeds, anyone have advice on how best to do that?

What other things are people looking for?

WANTED: R. soulieana pollen.

Does anyone have R.moyesii “Highdownensis” or “Geranium”? I am interested in getting some pollen from either one.

I found a source for “Geranium” pollen on Garden Web. Is it better to have them remove the pollen and dry it before sending it to me? Or should they just send the flowers and let me take care of the pollen?



Is it better to have them remove the pollen and dry it before sending it to me? Or should they just send the flowers and let me take care of the pollen?

It should be dehisced and dry as a bone.

Thank you Don, that is what I will have them do.

Enrique, I was wondering if you received my mails. I mailed you several times but didn’t get an answer.



Also, if people make a wish/trade-list would be great.