This season's progress with tetraploid (Bayse's Amphidiploid X OP).

(The following of last winters crosses that involve the tetraploid (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP) have grown at least one foot in height this summer (I consider that these are mature enough to survive the winter):

(George Vancouver X John Davis) X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). Seven plants.

(Martin Frobisher X OP) X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). One plant.

Will Alderman X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). One plant.

(Illusion X John Davis) X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). One plant.

The following seedlings are alive but have grown less than one foot (these may not survive the winter - I have sprayed them with gibberellic acid to give them a boost):

(George Vancouver X John Davis) X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). Three plants.

(Martin Frobisher X OP) X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). One plant.

(Illusion X John Davis) X (Bayse’s amphidiploid X OP). Three plants.

I forgot to mention that Bayse’s amphidiploid is R. abyssinica X R. rugosa ruba, see American Rose Annual, 1987, volumn 72, pages 19-24. The original plant is 6 to 8 feet tall with single, bright pink, 3 inch diameter flowers. It is self fertile.

R. abyssinica is also called R. moschata abyssinica. It is considered a musk rose.

This is a fall 2006 update.

The mother (George Vancouver X John Davis) of this group had bright red, double blooms.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) had pinkish white, semi-double blooms in June. Formed open pollinated hips.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) had pink, semi-double blooms in early June. No open pollinated hips were formed.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) had nice double, red blooms. They were on the smaller side of medium. No open pollinated hips were formed.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) had nice double, pink blooms in June. They were medium size. No open pollinated hips were formed.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2004 ((George Vancouver X John Davis) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

The mother (Illusion X John Davis) of this group had red, white eyed, single blooms.

2004 ((Illusion X John Davis) X amphidiploid) had whitish-pink, single blooms that were small in size. No open pollinated hips were formed.

2004 ((Illusion X John Davis) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

The mother Will Alderman has pink, double, good sized blooms.

2004 (Will Alderman X amphidiploid) had early June pink, double blooms. They were on the smaller side of medium. Open pollinated hips were formed.

2004 (Will Alderman X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2004 ((Martin Frobisher X OP) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2004 ((Martin Frobisher X OP) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.

2005 ((Martin Frobisher X OP) X amphidiploid) did not yet bloom.