Stratifying rose seed using zip-lock baggy plus a sprinckle

Thanks, George. I’m intrigued by your germination method in those photos. I’m lazier, I guess. I’d rather get them all put under soil once, then leave them alone to just do their things.

Yeah it is slightly all CRAZY but might help me reach higher seedling numbers within the tiny space confines I have to deal with here.

LOL I did a more careful numbers estimation and it is looking like I plonked more like 1000 seeds into those three mini sized “germination pots” (not a few hundred as previosuly estimated), so whatever.

Oh dang! A thousand means you should only have eight or nine hundred germinate! A “couple of hundred” translates into a few dozen. Ain’t Murphy great?

There are a lot of variations of this, some people can make it work.

[attachment 1125 Georgia079.JPG]

LOL without even realising it, I have therefore prolly crossed the “1000 seed barrier”. Actually this barrier was more a fear, the real thing is actually not so scary, I think I can “handle it” without going too mad.
