Seedling - inarch - propagation. Did you ever try this method?

The book ’ Commercial Rose Culture ', Eber Holmes describes a seedling inarching -propagation method, which allows to inarch a few weeks old seedlings to a large stock. Moreover it is written, that a satisfying union may thus be induced where other methods of asexual propagation have invariable failed.
Rose seedlings three or four weeks old, after the first character leaves are developed, lend themselves very readily to the seedling-inarch method of propagation. ( below you will find the full article )


Until now, I have never propagated such young seedlings. Has anyone tried this method before and can report?* I’m curious about your opinions *Many thanks !


Roseus, this article is fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I imagine rows of vigorous young Dr. Huey or Fortuniana cuttings waiting to be joined to my little seedlings this spring. I wonder if the two surfaces to be grafted need to be [gently!] wounded to expose the cambium layers or if being bound together (with what looks like raffia here) would rupture the outer bark layer as their diameters increased to allow them to unite. The whole idea of destroying a young seedling to attempt to bud it has always made me a little queasy. This method seems to be a real improvement. What do the rest of you think? -Brian

This is so interesting, thanks for sharing @Roseus!
It says that this method will “shorten very considerably the period between germination and the production of flowers of maximum size”.
I am very interested in all kinds of hybridizing experiments with Rugosas that I’ve been reluctant to actually try them because they are said to take years before the first bloom. I wonder if this method could force rugosa hybrid seedlings to produce their first blooms faster?

@minutifolia; @SeasideRooftop

Many thanks. It’s fine that you like the proposal of this method. Therefore, I have attached the link to the whole book. Perhaps you may want to print out this chapter, page 50 - 56.

I also had concerns because of the many years before the first flowers of rugosas appear. However, ventured the attempt. Some seedlings of ‘Rotes Phänomen’ (F2) bloomed already in the second year. There is no universal rule. Anything is finally possible and I hope very much that this new approach could be an actual help in this regard.

Indeed, I have asked myself the same question. I therefore also hope that someone has already tested this propagation method and can give us some complementary advices.

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@minutifolia; @SeasideRooftop

Operation_ inarching_seedlings

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Thank you again, Roseus, for providing this for us. Best wishes, Brian

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