Saturated orange/ yellow parents

I have four seedlings from her. This one. One that’s a very dark red but fewer petals. One that’s about to bloom in a few days that seems to have even more petals than the one above and is very light in color…sort of apricot blushed orange around the edges (or where the sun hits), and one that’s in early bud stage (which has the most interesting foliage of the four).

I only had Hot Cocoa for a year. Zero fahrenheit killed her this winter…the only one I might add (Mirandy is still hanging on- barely). I’m wondering if these seedlings are going to be any more cold hardy…as in should I leave them out their first year? I always have before with all my others.

BTW, your suggestion of Arthur Bell rings true here on the east coast also. Although fairly new for me; so far, she appears to be the best yellow I have.

Toprose is pretty much Arthur Bell version 2.0. Also, it is one of the most colorfast yellows in commerce.

You’re right she does look good. I never placed an order with Pickering. Are they reputable? I’ve heard bad about Hortico (plus I prefer bands anyways). I have Chinatown and it is darkening up and starting to grow well…so I was thinking the natural thing would be to cross Arthur Bell x Chinatown (with KO thrown in somewhere). I also like that Toprose has Golden Masterpiece in it as well. So you say it’s better than AB, huh?


I only had Hot Cocoa for a year. Zero fahrenheit killed her this winter.

Was that with winter protection? I have a new plant of Hot Cocoa from Pickering that’s just spectacular but now I’m worried about what to do with it over the winter (zone 5b/6a).

I never placed an order with Pickering. Are they reputable?

One of the best.

“Was that with winter protection?”

Well, no. To be particularly honest it was the first rose I have ever had die because of the cold (I’m up to around 50 now). It was grafted and not own root so that may have some bearing. I’ll have to look into ordering Toprose from pickering, thanks y’all!


I’ve had ‘Hot Cocoa’ for about four years. It does just fine here in Little Rhody, and should do the same in Connecticut. It does need winter protection, however.


Pickering is pretty awesome.

Henry Fonda has been disease free for me. It also produced lots of blooms and pollen for me. The Hot Cocoa that I have has not been the best bloomer and produced a marginal amount of pollen. Maybe I just got a weak plant. A few months ago I asked a similar question and was advised that Gold Medal may produce some washed out yellows.

If I didn’t post a picture on the internet then they probably would never get seen. To be honest, I pinched the first bud off because I wanted the plant to grow, but it responded by making two more…that’s why I know this one is extremely double (more than 100 petals) and it goes from apricot to salmon back to apricot.


Very nice color and form. Looks like a keeper!