Rose Terminology

I have a few questions on rose terminology

First question on reading about Rose Gaujard I read that it was vigorous and formed many basal shoots and then it said it suffers from the splits. I do not know what the splits is. From the context I assume it has to do with growth habit.

My second question is on flowering habit. I read a lot of descriptions and I know the difference between ounce blooming and blooms in flushes, but what is the difference between continuous bloom and quick bloom? They seem to me to be the same thing.

Adam, in the case of Rose Gaujard, I think they are referring to split centers. In other words the blossoms don’t often have the single high center exhibitors are looking for.

Continuous bloom can be seen in some Chinas, like Mutabilis. There are often at last a few blossoms on the plant all the time.

Quick re-bloom indicates the rose blooms in flushes, but repeats quickly like, ‘Betty Boop’, usually in 6-8 week cycles.

Well I was thinking that the splits was because the rose is so vigorous and has lots of basal shoots that the wood would not have time to harden up porperly and the branch would split from the base and sort of fall over. Without knowing for sure what they were talking about we could put ten answers in a hat and just pull one. It could be several things I suppose.


Eithier answer could be plausable, but pocajun yours seems like it could be right. I am pretty sure they where still talking about growth when they said this term.

So do you get more bloom from continous blooming roses or from quick blooming roses?

About quick blooming, it seems like there are aspects that are heritable. THe Dutch group of researchers found that seedlings that bloomed early continued to have faster cycles of repeat bloom and overall more flowers. The trade off was stem length as expected, so for their cut flower research they decided in the end there was a limit for yield of flowers they could expect because of needed stem length. Perhaps we can extend this idea in a partial way to the topic and other classes.

De Vries, D.P. (1976) Juvenility in hybrid tea-roses, Euphytica 25, 321-328.