Rose Hybridizers please help: I need a special rose one of my twin baby daughters

Hello, my name is Shelley and I have been growing roses the past several years. I love roses and would like to plant two roses to honor my 9 month old twin daughters, Lindsay and Madelyn. They are beautiful little blonde-haired girls with pink cheeks, bright blue eyes and big smiles. From The Uncommon Rose, I am ordering a mini called “Lindsay’s Rose,” hybridized by Paul Barden. Now I need a rose for Madelyn. On Help Me Find, I found various roses whose name was close to Madelyn but none fit what I was looking for (i.e. one beauty could only be obtained from France…not an easy task). Are there any amateur rose hybridizers out there who are looking to name a special rose? This is probably a crazy request and I am asking way too much. But…if I don’t ask…

Anyway, thanks so much for your time. Shelley Hughes

Hello Shelley, Paul Barden here. I offer the kind of service you are looking for (naming a rose for a person), but I doubt you are going to be interested once I quote my fee. I have seedlings available for sale and the starting price is $2000. It goes up from there, for higher quality selections. If interested, email me privately, thanks.



Dear Shelley, This is my first year @ propagating/hybridizing … I do have un-named seedlings and would be glad to send one to you that you could name “Madelyn”. All of my roses are OP, open pollination … I do not know what they will be… climbers, bush, ground cover or so on, (all seeds did come from larger roses, none from miniatures) … I would be happy to send you one free of charge (via US shipping :astonished:). I am not sure what legal steps you would need to take to “patent”, so to speak, the name and or rose, you would need to figure that out if you wanted to take it that far. I have been growing roses from seed for personal use. My dream is to have a rose garden, so I thought I would give it a try. I now have around 50 or so seedlings with 25 or so named, (after my children and family), I would be happy to share one with you. I do have one not yet named, she is thus far a white bloomer with a hint of pink in the petals and yellow stamen … not to say that 3 years from now she will bloom the same color(s) :astonished:) Let me know if you want her. God Bless. Cheri

Cheri, that is such a sweet and generous offer! It’s so exciting that you are hybridizing roses…I know that’s what this forum is about but I sure have never tried doing that. I have actually already selected a rose for my daughter Madelyn, a miniature named “Madeline Spezzano” that I just received from Nor’East Miniatures. It has one beautiful, fragrant pink bloom and many buds. It should look very pretty planted next to the yellow mini I selected for my other daughter Lindsay.

I do want to thank you so much for your sweet reply. I wish you good luck building your rose garden!

Sincerely, Shelley Hughes