Rosa virginiana seed size

Opening Rosa virginiana selection Harvest Song hips I found very smal seeds. Is this tipical?

Pierre Rutten

A fellow I know has a lovely delicate leaved rosebush that blooms from the first to the last of the rose season, and makes hips. I have not been rose rustling for all that long, but seems to me that this is some kind of virginiana or carolina or palustris cross. It does not seem to fit any description I have read except for “Marie-grabnae” in Krussman’s book. If any of you would like to get your hands on this variety, I have one plant to spare, but I got a plant for a local nurseryman who now has a flat of them about 4" high, he says they have been blooming in the greenhouse already. The flowers are pink, lovely small buds, SD, and slightly fragrant. The bush looks like a little willow tree with pink flowers, the stems are red and have no thorns in the upper part of the plant. It suckers, but not profusely.