R. moschata abysinnica

I cannot find anymore info on this rose. This is the parent of ‘Basye’s Amphidiploid’ and just know that this rose shares some breeding with the damasks. I used to have an article about it, but have lost it in my older computer. How disease resistant is this itself?


Is that the one also called R. sancta? ( or something like that? )

Basye created at least two amphidiploids. According to the TAMU amphidiploid page, the parents of one were

R. wichuraiana X R. rugosa

and the parents of another were

R. roxburghii X R. laevigata

Link: aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/rose/ramp.htm

There is at least one more amphidiploid: 67-305

which is R. abyssinica X R. rugosa.

Thanks. I guess there is not much info on this rose. Would be nice to see it.


According to an article by Basye (1987 American Rose Annual, pp. 19-24), there is a large plant of R. abyssinica growing on the campus of the Univ. of Santa Clara, “a short distance from the quandrangle of the old Spanish mission” on the grounds of the U of Santa Clara. Reportedly it was taken to Santa Clara by Schoener himself. There’s a picture of it on p. 19, and Basye’s report of it on p. 20. He says that by 1979 a large supporting trellis had been built around the bush.

You might want to make a phone call to confirm the existence of the bush, and then maybe take a trip to see it if it hasn’t been blacktopped.

Oh my gosh-- It is that close? I pass by there all the time. Hopefully it is still there. Do you by chance have the pictures Peter, scanned? I’m heading off to San Jose Heritage in the morning, and can pass by SCU. I know that campus pretty well. Actually I was accepted to study there right after high school. If I’m going on to search for it, I got to do it early in the morning before working. Is there a possibility that I can get a copy of your article? Lets see if I can get cuttings if possible.


Sorry, I don’t have a scan of the article. However, the location mentioned above should help you find the bush if it’s there. It’s near a 2-storey building, probably not more than 20 feet from the sidewalk that runs near the building. I doubt that there’s more than one quadrangle of the old Spanish mission. Find the old Spanish mission and you ought to be able to find the bush.

Okay, I know where it would be located more or less. I think it is close to the Ricard Observatory, or could be at the Mission Church Rose Garden-- a really tiny thing that I have never, oddly, ventured into. I’ll take pics if I do find it.

I’ve found it and photographed it. I have pics of the foilage, which is very similar to Basye’s Amphidiploid (which I have pics of speciman foilage samples side by side), coming right up when HPphoto.com has stopped giving me errors. This is huge!

Link: forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/rosesgal/msg0723440110623.html

There are more pics right here. The last few pics are with foilage of Basye’s Amphidiploid. R. moschata has bigger leaves, and smaller hips.

Link: www.hpphoto.com/home/ViewMyAlbum.asp?coll_id=1733204