Quality of this yellow

This is the first flower from a mini seedling (‘Gold Coin’ x ‘Gold Coin’) that opened over the last few days and is the first yellow rose I’ve ever raised. It has been in full sun for 4-5 days in 25-30 degree (C) air temps and hasn’t changed hue. I was wondering how this rates, in terms of the quality of yellow? I’ve not bred yellows before so am not sure how to rate it. It’s parent opens a rich gold here and has a chromatic shift to red as it ages. I’ve not seen any hint of red in this seedling so far. The photo gives a realistic rendition of the actual colour here on my monitor.

sorry about the wayward ’ … I wish one could edit posts here…

Well I like it. I think it’s pretty. Ya know yellow is my favorite color. Since this is the first bloom, it should only get better…

Very beautiful Simon. I really prefer solid yellows with out any interference with red or pink mixed in and that is hard to accomplish as it is trying to achieve a solid white rose.

Nice! I also prefer pure yellows.

The best method, in my opinion, for breeding non-fading and non-phototropic yellows is to breed yellow x yellow. In this event, I can see how it would be useful to inbreed the f1 then outbreed in the f2.

‘Gold Coin’ is a little too small for me (as far as miniatures go…). I like them to have a little bit of height and spread to them. This little seedling also looks like it will stay small and today the yellow looks to be developing an ever-so-faint orange/red blush. This little one looks like it will produce mountans of pollen so I will probably keep it to breed with further to increase the plant size and improve architecture a little. It is branching well as a small seedling already which is good. It seems pretty healthy so far too.

Toprose produces unfading yellow and health. Shockwave has, I believe, 2 sets of mini in it and probably produces nice yellows with health as well. I know it has Baby Love in it, but I am hypothesizing that it also has Texas in it via John John as the unknown part of the Shockwave lineage. In either event, both should meld well with your Gold Coin selfing. I also think that Rabble Rouser would work well, too, to produce your goal of a “non-blemishing” yellow mini.

Not sure I can get those roses here (they don’t appear in any Aust. lists I’ve found yet anyway), but I noticed ‘Arthur Bell’ is not too far back in the pedigree of ‘Toprose’. We can get that here and have heard mention on here that it produces good seedlings (esp. yellows). Do you think this might be a good option to go back too?

I wouldn’t go the Arthur Bell route personally. It has a few traits you definitely don’t want that have been bred out of it in further generations. I am looking at AUS/NZ sources for ya, but it will take me some time to think.

Golden Tribue would probably give teh color and plant you would want. Its parentage is unlisted, but it probably has Freedom and Anne Harkness in it, which both can give mildew in their seedlings.

Benson and Hedges Gold would probably work better than Arthur Bell.

Singing in the Rain could work. I know it can produce deep golds. I am unsure if mixing it with Gold Coin would be a blackspot disaster or not, though.

Golden Future may work, too.

It seems to be slim pickin’s for yellow choices down under, eh?

There were some yellow groundcovers and bush roses from Interplant that I was unsure of because I dont know anything about them. They may be worth looking into.

I have the yellow flower carpet that I could use, however, I have not been entirely happy with its disease resistance or plant architecture. There are many decent yellows here, but I’m afraid the black spot pressure here is pretty intenses and yellows seem to suffer more than most, and the more recent yellows don’t seem to be making it here yet so we can’t take advantage of the progress yo uguys have made. Not to worry… it’s all fun :slight_smile:

Simon, do you have ‘St Patrick’ (HT) in your collection? If I was a fan of the HT’s, I would sure think about it as a possible source of unfading yellow color.

Nope… to be honest I’m not keen on putting HT through it just to achieve a colour.

Yeah, I understand.

I think the Flower Carpet series, except for Scarlet, suck. I have seen thousands of these things grown in the field and I do not find them particularly good for anything. Roses like (some examples) Electric Blanket, Fire Meidiland, Carefree Marvel and Baby Blanket are better, in my opinion. Flower carpet Amber was a huge disappointment. Yellow or Sunshine were equally bad here.

St. Patrick would be a bad way to go. I did not suggest it because there are better sources of the Golden Wave lineage. It isn’t particularly yellow (it tends to breed light tones). It only looks to be a strong yellow due to the chlorophyll. Also, it is a direct descendant of Brandy, which is a pretty horrid route to take with minis. Also, winter tenderness is a huge issue with it. One can get better results with Freedom, including the chlorophyll, but I still don’t see that as a good route to take with minis because the Golden Wave line has a lot of the same negative traits minis need to lose as well.

The scarlet flower carpet is also the only one I really like. I like the white one and ‘Amber’ is looking pretty good here too… but it’s the semi-double red one (scarlet) that has proven to be really good. It’s also the only one that gave me decent OP germination. All the others failed. My Mum grew ‘Benson and Hedges Gold’ when I was a kid and it was a horrible plant so I’d be reluctant to use it on anything. I think I might try and look for ‘Golden Touch’ (TANmirsch) to try with it.

Yeah, I am running out of suggestions while looking at various AUS/NZ rose sellers. Another option would be to use Amber Queen. I see that Queen Welhemina is also sold there. It is probably an inferior descendant of Amber Queen. Jackson and Perkins has tried to replicate different versions of AQ for years, but AQ seems superior to me.

If I were to do this, which I am obviously not, I think I would try Amber Queen, Golden Tribute and Golden Future. I would then breed back into a groundcover. I think better yellow groundcovers are coming down the line and it would be wise to wait for them.

Amber Queen is available… will ask around about it.

Very nice color on that seedling Simon. Is the seedling being grown outdoors, outside of a greenhouse? I suspect that it might pick up some pink/red tones depending on weather (more when cool and outdoors).

As for what to use it with… I have gotten some good yellows out of ‘Singin’ in the Rain’, as mentioned by Jadae. Also do you have access to ‘Julia Child’? I think that it will be under a different name in your country. I have been very happy with several seedlings coming out of it crossed with some of my yellow ‘Baby Love’ derivatives. It has great plant architecture and floriferousness.

Jim Sproul

Hi Jim,

I’m still at work but will have a look when I get home (re: Julia’s Child). This little seedling flowered outdoors in the final few days before opening.