possible germination stimulater


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Title: Epicoccum Nigrum as biocontrol agent of Pythium damping-off and root-rot of cotton seedlings

Authors: M Hashem and Esam H Ali

Authors affiliation: A1 Botany Department, Faculty of Science Assiut University Assiut Egypt

Published in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, volumn 37, pages 283-297, (2004).

Abstract: “Efficacy of Epicoccum nigrum and its exudate was tested in control the pre- and post-emergence damping-off and root-rot of Egyptian cotton (cv. Giza 83) in vitro and in vivo. Different isolates of Epicoccum nigrum reduced the radial growth of both Pythium debaryanum and P. ultimum significantly, by production considerable inhibition zones. In liquid cultures E. nigrum exudate showed a high fungicidal effect resulting in a significant reduction of the mycelial dry weight of the two investigated Pythium spp. Also E. nigrum exudate inhibited cellulase and pectinase activity by P. debaryanum and P. ultimum. Soaking of cotton seeds in E. nigrum exudate for different intervals resulted in significant reduction of root-rot severity of seedlings as well as the contamination of seeds and seedlings by fungi during and after germination. These treatments also stimulated germination of cotton seeds and enhanced the seedlings vigour significantly. In pot experiments, the use of E. nigrum as a soil mixture or seed dressing significantly alleviated the hazard effect of P. debaryanum. Pythium ultimum seemed to be weak or non pathogen to the used cotton cultivar (Giza 83). Application of E. nigrum or its exudate not only involved in protection of cotton seedlings against Pythium damping-off and root-rot but also enhanced their vigour and growth characteristics. The main conclusion of this study is that E. nigrum could be used successfully as environmentally safe and economic biological control agent to protect cotton (cv. Giza 83) from damping-off and root-rot diseases caused by P. debaryanum.”
