oomizuao, I'd love to see a photo of a real bloom

on that color chart, as well as an individual petal.

Friends (who live about five miles away) breed daylilies and they have the RHS book, and that’s the way to get a real feeling for the rose.

Jadae, I keep hoping that someone will try to bring the brown from the splotch in hulthemia into entire rose petals. Descriptions from Persia described the flowers as yellow with brown centers. We’ve gone after the splotch…but how about the brown?

You can mix the blue with white, for example, and have it fit completely in garden colour schemes… I imagine people who produce grafted roses budded with two varieties would love this (i.e. here you can buy ‘Burgundy Iceberg’ grafted on the same stock as white ‘Iceberg’… pink and white looks good, red and white looks pretty stunning, and I imagine blue and white would complement each other very nicely. The cottage garden people will love it… the rose purists will hate it IMO.

Oozmizuao… can I ask what, if any, your involvement is in the development of the ‘blue rose’? I cannot see how one can make the claim that all future descendants of this GM rose would be subject to the conditions of the original ‘Applause’ patent application. Suntory have gone to great lengths, as shown in the quotes I published above, to try and convince us that the GM component of this rose is not generally inheritable. The chances of the genetically modified material being present in future generations is, as they specifically say, slim at best. I know, and most people here also know, that there are ways the GM material can make that jump into the L2 tissue layer from which germline material is produced, but the document above specifically states they consider the chances to be negligible. It also states that the variety is being introduced without conditions. It’s not my kind of things, to want to breed with a GM rose… but if your claim is true, and I ever do decide to use it, then I for one will be listing the parents as ‘unknown’.

they must talk over with Suntory for commercial production of their bluer roses.

Suntory is not interested in licensing the breeding rights.

Suntory have gone to great lengths…to try and convince us that the GM component of this rose is not generally inheritable.

It raises all sorts of interesting but pointless questions because the lawyers will break the bank of anyone bold enough to raise them, and there are anyway better strategies available for breeding blue roses that don’t involve genetic engineering.

Mauve roses are pigmented by the naturally occuring pigments rosacyanin A and B, which are more blue than the delphinidin engineered into the Suntory roses. Boosting levels of these pigments is a reasonable goal, even for amateurs. It was an amateur, after all, who brought forth the first mauve rose.


Perhapse, the following blog is helpful for you.

It is a diary of 21/Oct, by an attendant of Applause presentation.


I am not one of the developpers of this blue rose.

I am an amateur rose-breeder in Japan.

About the patent is published at the following sites.


Oomizuao, your first link cant be translated into English, and your second link cannot be accessed at all.

I would not want any GM rose anywhere near my work, thanks all the same, no matter how pretty or otherwise it was!

Oomizuao wrote:

“And yes, this genetically modified rose is patented by Suntory, and the patent includes all blue/violet roses which are decendant of Applause.”

Here is an info as all progenies that involve the genetical modification are legally claimable.

Translation of the first link of oomizuao:

Link: translate.google.fr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aivy.co.jp%2FBLOG_TEST%2Fnagasawa%2Fb%2F2009%2F10%2F_applause.html&sl=ja&tl=en&history_state0=

Patent link:

Link: www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1985704.html