New book: Phylogenetic Networks

Phylogenetic Networks - Concepts, Algorithms and Applications

"The evolutionary history of species is traditionally represented using a rooted phylogenetic tree. However, when reticulate events such as hybridization, horizontal gene transfer or recombination are believed to be involved, phylogenetic networks that can accommodate non-treelike evolution have an important role to play. This book provides the first interdisciplinary overview of phylogenetic networks. Beginning with a concise introduction to both phylogenetic trees and phylogenetic networks, the fundamental concepts and results are then presented for both rooted and unrooted phylogenetic networks. Current approaches and algorithms available for computing phylogenetic networks from different types of datasets are then discussed, accompanied by examples of their application to real biological datasets. The book also summarises the algorithms used for drawing phylogenetic networks, along with the existing software for their computation and evaluation. All datasets, examples and other additional information and links are available from the book’s companion website at "


Very interesting even if apparently more about how to build reticulate phylogenetic trees than about the resulting reticulate trees that are to be more useful for us rose breeders.

That evolution is reticulate is relatively new. Quite recently evolution was considered as monophyletic as demonstrated by all actual phylogenetic trees being with steedy more divergent branching.

Considering that i.e. chloroplasts or mitochondrias are from plant precursors incorporating foreign beings has this kind of consequences: there was a non sexual fusion of a plant precursor with a bacteria that brought more efficient energy management and later a photosyntethizing algae. Sort of inverted tree here!

It is fascinating how recent genetic and evolution science insights are quite mindshaking and are lots better argumented than many previous hypothesis as it is DNA studies based actual facts.

The more we as a global society know, and also hold as universally valid amidst conflicting personal belief systems, the more holistic our information metabolism can become. When the logical, sensory, abstract and ethical relationships are shown, then more complexities such as the above work will evolve in our world. Its really exciting. Thanks for the primer, Don.