New 3rd edition of the Rose Compendium is available

Hi Everyone,

Compendiums are a wonderful resource with different diseases and pests common to specific hosts. The American Phytopathological Society (APS) coordinates the generation and printing of them. They are great resources often housed at university libraries or privately purchased by businesses or even individuals.

This 3rd edition is greatly expanded with info on more viruses and I also contributed a bit on the background and genetics of roses along with David Byrne.

Unfortunately, it is pretty pricy… All of us authors and editors donated our time. It costs a lot to produce for a limited audience and APS uses Compendiums as a fundraiser to help with their great programs. Anyways, this month it looks like there is a $25 discount.

Here’s the link to the book. Product Detail - Compendium of Rose Diseases and Pests, Third Edition