Nearly Wild, New Dawn, Carefree Delight

Has anyone bred with any of these roses? The ancestory seems to indicate that New Dawn is triploid – but HelpMeFind lists tons of offspring, so I assume it is fertile. Nearly Wild looks to be the result of a triploid crossed with a diploid – thus either diploid or triploid. Does anyone know if it is very fertile? HelpMeFind lists only one descendant.

And finally, Carefree Delight – No descendants listed, nor could I successfully look up the parents on HelpMeFind to make a guess at ploidy. Has anyone worked with it or know the chromosome count?



I have one open pollinated Nearly Wild seedling that I have kept. It has a flower very similar to Nearly Wild. I have ignored it so far regarding further breeding. It is sort of a runt (small plant).

Carefree Delight is (Eyepaint x Nirvana) x Smarty

It is also known as Bingo Meidiland. Most likely tatraploid.


I’ve about a hundred OP seedlings of Carefree Delight (some were intentional crosses but not tagged). None have bloomed this first year. There is quite a range of growth characteristics…from stunted to two vigorous seedlings. I find that this rose and seedlings aren’t quite as carefree as I would like and to some degree the seedlings are subject to BS and mildew.

I used new dawn a lot this year. Last week i harvested 99% of all the hips. Golden celebration, amberqueen and westerland pollen did a great job. I made 8 rugelda crossings but 1 did make it. Some variaties does well, some not. Regards, timo

I used new dawn a lot this year. Last week i harvested 99% of all the hips. Golden celebration, amberqueen and westerland pollen did a great job. I made 8 rugelda crossings but 1 did make it. Some variaties does well, some not. Regards, timo