Multiple photo files-do not try this at home!

I have been able to do this multiple times, but do not follow my instructions. I have not been able to replicate the process even one time. And now I’m so confused that I don’t know if I can do it again. In fact, I don’t think I want to!

I am about to go ask an 18 yr old how I did this. Not really. But each time I have had to change (or at least I think it has)the route I followed to get the same result. This does not sound logical, but I’m no Dr.Spock.

Hi Jackie, Are these all pictures of your seedlings? They are beautiful.

Thanks for taking the time to share with us how you did this.

Jeannie, I just can’t get it to perform using the same set of instructions twice. It is kinda nice to be able to post multiple related photos, but I hope someone figures out how to do this using simple easily replicated instructions. If it weren’t for the ability to chill out listening to L. Cohen while trying to do this I might be pulling out my hair.

The relatedness of the above post is that these are all Moondance seedlings. And thanks.

Jackie, (an to all others interested here), the link below directs you to a few easy steps on how to create a collage of images, using Photobucket.


Of all the code image options for the above collaged Photobucket image that are offered, I used the “Direct Link” code and inserted it into the Photo link section at the bottom of this thread (making sure not to double up on the http:// characters which often seem to automatically appear at the begining of the Photo link window).

Here for example is the Direct Link for the collage image posted in the above posting:

Hi Jackie

Your roses are lovely. Up to this thread, I copied all the methods everyone provided. Good thing I put off trying it. I shall now copy George’s method & add it to the rest. My thanks to everyone. Actual hybridizing is so much easier!

Lidya, we can thank the Photobucket support team, who emailed me the steps required for an easier way of doing collages.

Hi George,

Just for the fun of it, I decided to try to post your photos more than once in this post, and it works! You can probably post individual photos too, but I don’t have a photobucket account to try it. Here is the first group:

And, here is the group repeated below:

You just have to bracket your link to photobucket with “” to close the HTML instruction. For this to work, you also have to take out the quote marks surrounding both arrows. I had to put them in there so that the directions would show in this post.

There may be an advantage in posting photos this way, but perhaps it doesn’t matter!

Jim Sproul


There are a few of us here that have been wanting to do this multiple photo posting with Photobucket, and have been unable to work out the codes to enable this to be done, that is until now, thanks so much!

And for more fun, I decided to try different images to make sure that it was possible (please see below).

And here is the “space” between the different images.

Another “trick” that you might find worthwhile is putting a line between sections. You can do that by putting an arrow before and after “hr”, without the quote marks and get the line break below.

I don’t know many more tricks that are allowable on this forum, but the above are sometimes useful.

BTW Jackie, those are very beautiful seedlings! I’ll need to take a look at ‘Moondance’.

Jim Sproul

You both got very nice seedlings. So Jackie what Moondance did you use?

Jackie, how long have you been hybridizing roses?

Those you have shown here are beautiful!

the posting has inspired me to test this feature with the picasa software. Works great and there are some creative possibilities :slight_smile:

Hi Bernhard,

I like your grouping of the photos - very nice!

Jim Sproul


I like your using the different sizes of photos-nice touch. We are getting so creative here. RHF will never be the same again. Ain’t the computer age wonderful!

George: this is the 3rd yr for making crosses-I did grow totally OP seeds the first yr. Last yr was the first yr for keeping track of what I am doing. I used about 6 ‘mothers’ the first yr, about 12-15 the second. this yr about 25-30. I am trying to see what works for me. Moondance definately does.

Jim, Adam: Moondance passes on fragrance, vigor, and allows a lot of the pollen genetics to dominate. OP’s are all white and pale yellow. Not a good match with most yellows so far. Aborted all Shockwave crosses. Very good mate with oranges and bicolors such as I have. Was a great cross with Singing in the Rain. Adam-this is the Zary Moondance.

Cool… Finally figured out how to embed a photo and the collage option is fantastic…

A Gemini x Scarlet Moss seedling that has light-med mossing.

Liz I like your placement where you can see a close up of the flower and also can see the whole plant. It is nice being able to see the whole plant.