
I was skimming through some breeding articles and one breeder claimed that he used GA on his seeds and Megagrow on his seedlings. How safe is that for them? Seedlings are so fragile. Id be afraid of frying them. Here’s a link for the product.


I am using it on my seedlings now and no harm done, in fact they are growing like gang busters. I don’t know how fast they are suppose to grow since this is my first year. So I don’t know if its the megagrow or the 24 hrs light they are getting.


Patrick, what concentration are you using and how do you apply it? I just bought some.

Patrick, what concentration are you using and how do you apply it? I just bought some.

Judith, I use what came in the 32 oz. megagro bottle already mixed. I also got some concentrate to use for other purposes such as blossom set and seed germination. Go to growing tips at megrgro website and they tell you how to mix the concentrate for different concentrations. I first saw megagro mentioned at this website - Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

I did some research on Gibberellic acid and found two sites, one stated that you have to use this acid fresh or it is ineffective. I don’t know if they are telling the truth or just trying to sell products. I will use megagro for now and see how it works. If it does ok, I will keep on using it, if I am not satisfied I will use some which is fresh ground. I plan on testing this on blossom set at the 10 day level and use cytokinin as kinetin at the 4 day level. You can get this product here -

the other two sites on gibberellic acid -

Good luck
