If you have seeds to spare (OP) from any of the following species I’d like to hear from you: virginiana, carolina, foliolosa, palustrus, nitida, woodsii, blanda, and arkansana. I’m hoping to trade seeds with a source in China who is looking for these in exchange.
Don, I can send you some open pollinated seedlings of R. foliolosa, if that helps, or do you need seeds, specifically?
Thanks Paul but they are indeed looking for seeds.
I will go see whats out in the garden. I may be able to supply seeds of arkansana and foliolosa, perhaps even virginiana.
Don, I can send you seeds of the three I listed in the second post.
I will go look tomorrow if I can find some R. woodsii around. I should be able to find plenty. By the way what seeds are you getting in exchange out of curiosity. It would be interesting if you could get some of the species that are not available on this side of the ocean. Hopefully if that is the case you can make some of these available at a future date.
Thanks Paul and Adam, I’ll take whatever you can find.
Adam, as we don’t yet have commitments I don’t want to create false expectations by mentioning particular species but we are indeed chasing those not available here. If anything comes of it you can expect the new germplasm to be spread around as much as possible. I’ve found, in fact, that finding homes for species roses is not the easiest thing to do.
I am very interested in species roses more than anything else so I will cross my fingers.
This morning before it began to snow I collect R. woodsii. I have two different populations of seeds to send you. I do not know how much your contact is interested in the specifics but I will give them anyways.
Stand number one is from a stand near my house. The population is made up of about 35 individual plants about half are probably a result of suckering. Morpholically they are pretty much all very similar only varying in terms of vigor and the flower color varies from light pink to dark pink. Due to the lack of variability and that this pond is found in on of the flood plains in the city I think the original population was probably planted by the city of Fort Collins. The plants fit pretty well to the description of R. woodsii var fendleri but many are the result of op seeds spread by squirrels and birds. Growing out the seeds myself very little variation is seen.
The second population is of much greater interest. This population is found on the foot hills overlooking the city and in a year or so will no longer exist due to construction. I am happy to be able to send them to someone so that not only will I have seeds in the fridge but someone else will have seeds of this unique population before it is gone. This population is dominated by traits of the typical R. woodsii and the sub species R. woodsii ultramontana, plus at least one other species if not more. By forestry sevice maps done in the 50s other possible influences could be R. arkansas, R. acicularis or R. multiflora (doubtful on the last one). As the area is developed around this stand I can not really say for sure. The whole population has the typical thorns**, leaf coloration and stem coloration of the species. However a few interesting traits appear in this population. The population varies from mostly thorny to nearly and completly thornless. Also their are also a varying level of thickness found in the leaves; no leaves are found that are as thick as R. rugosa but their is a clear thickness in some of the speciems. Also some members of this population have pine scented foliage when rubbed in your hands. The scent is more powerful in spring then it is in summer. Flower size is + or - 1/2 of an inch from the typical size seen around here. The flower color varies from near white (hint of pink) to medium and dark pink. Finally two different hip shapes and colors are seen in this population the first is roundish and the second is vase shaped; hip colors range from red to orange and a few that are yellow in coloration. I do know this population is established on undeveloped land and was not planted by anyone. Its a shame it days are numbered.
I will probably take the seeds out of the hips tonight or tomorrow. Can you email me the address since I have seemed to misplace yours.
I have a group of a few dozens palustris seedlings that had a full hip load. I could send the seeds to china as otherwise is difficult.