John Franklin - any experience with it??

I’m being tempted to make a few crosses with the John Franklin explorer rose. Mine is about 3 years old and is really starting to come into its own. It has been pretty disease free for the past two years and those dreaded sawflys are not as attracted to it, based on the lack of damage. Has anyone used it as a parent in crosses? Better as a female or male?

Thanks, Liz

I had it early on, but for some reason I have no records of it being a successful parent. I wonder if it is sterile.

“Help Me Find” does not list any offspring.

Mine hasn’t set hips but produces lots of pollen. I have hips from Angel Face x JF and Knockout x JF this year…hopefully they’ll grow.

I ended up tossing out my John Franklin, as it was disease prone. Very nice rose in the spring, but during the summer it turned pretty ugly with disease. Another fine Canadian took his place in the garden - Roberta Bondar

How is ‘Roberta Bondar’ for disease and hardiness where you are Liz?

Disease she is completely clean. This will be my first winter with her, so I’ll have more info next spring. I’ll probably mound her with compost.

Sounds good Liz. I used Roberta this Spring at Joyce’s suggestion. She’s vigorous. Gets TALL.