Jim Sproul

Last spring, Jim Sproul broke his ankle when he jumped into an irrigation ditch while playing with his sons. Despite several surgeries, it hasn’t healed. He has been getting around in a wheelchair and on crutches. He finally decided to get a prosthesis - an artificial ankle and foot. The amputation was scheduled for today. He expects to be walking by the Spring conference in San Diego. He might appreciate get well cards…

Jim Sproul

15800 Strebor Dr

Bakersfield, CA 93312

HW is Jim doing…Hope he is doing fine…

Here’s what Richard posted to the Rosarian’s Corner forum yesterday evening:

"The surgery went well, but Jim will be flat on his back for a few weeks. He’s not checking email yet since he’s not comfortable sitting up.

In May at the National Convention he expects he’ll need to be in a wheelchair to give his talk on hybridizing; the temporary prosthetic he’ll have by then won’t be suitable for standing on for long enough to address an audience.

Jim said that within 6-10 months he expects be walking again without a cane or discomfort (using a prosthetic foot)."

Hi all:

Thank you for your concern. I am doing very well, but have learned that “phantom pains” are a real thing - yuck (they should be diminishing as time goes on).

Yes, I am scheduled to talk at the ARS meeting in San Diego and fully expect to be ready to do that. The topic is our favorite - “Rose Hybridizing”. The talk is scheduled to occur right after the RHA meeting. I would like to talk briefly about the RHA and the value of their booklets. Can we make them available for sale after my talk?




Good to hear from you. Am looking forward to your talk. Will check and see if the Petersons are coming - they usually bring some of the booklets. If they are not, maybe they can ship some on to San Diego. Anyway, I will see that some are there to promote amateur rose hybridizing.

Wonderful that you’re doing so well, Jim! Looking forward to meeting you in San Diego.

Mary and I will be in San Diego and are bringing a supply of both booklets. I have also included a message to that effect in the Spring newsletter which went to the printer yesterday. It will be in the mail around Friday of next week.

Jim … Good to hear from you… Gods speed in your healing…

Jim, it’s great to hear that you are doing well! I hope to be able to get to San Diego to hear your talk.