This week I received a ‘Sanguinea’ plant. I found that plant is thornless, only a very small prickle was found on a slender branch. Even the stems as thick as a pencil is smooth. Small prickles seemed present on rachis but that seems not a problem. Anyone have experience on this variety, especially large plants? Is this variety really thornless? And ‘Susan Louise’.
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I haven’t grown ‘Sanguinea’, but there is an obvious similarity to ‘Miss Lowe’s Variety’ (a.k.a. ‘Bengal Fire’), which I remember being quite prickle-free when I grew it to a fairly robust size. Some other Chinas that come to mind as being very “low-thorn” (nearly “thornless”) include ‘Fortune’s Five-Colored’ (a.k.a. ‘Smith’s Parish’) and ‘Serratipetala’.
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Thanks Stefan
I don’t know my plant is ‘Sanguinea’ or ‘MLV’, and I don’t know the difference between them. I also have ‘FFC’ and ‘Serratipetala’, these three roses are dug from an “abandoned” park after a flower show. I would check them about their thorns.
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