HelpMeFind Issues

Is anyone else having trouble connecting with HMF? I keep getting the following message:

We’ve safely aborted connection on because it was infected with URL:Blacklist.


HI Mark,

I’m on HelpMeFind now and it has been working smoothly for me. I’m using Google Chrome.

False positive, this would show something if there were an issue with the site

So possibly malware on your computer, maybe try download and run

see if that says anything

My AVG anti virus protection was doing that too. I have uninstalled it for now and put in Bitdefender temporarily. This happened to me once 3 or 4 years ago. Eventually AVG sorted it self out and I reinstalled it. Hope this helps.

Avast seems to have been the major disrupter with HMF. Per the Help Desk, a security certificate on a server which is being changed had expired. That issue was addressed. One server has been filled simply with photos and a second is being pressed into service. Supposedly, that was to have been completed by last evening, but it may still be being worked on. Check your browser history, also. You may need to clear your browser history to insure it isn’t simply using cached information to attempt opening a window it had previously determined it didn’t want to open. I run Norton 360 and Malwarebytes and neither have given any issues at all. Those who have reported to me as having had issues have reported Avast as their anti virus program.

And, PLEASE, should you encounter issues with the site, report it with specifics to Thank you.

Thank you all! I’m using Avast antivirus and It does appear that it is the issue.


It seems to be. The latest from the Help Desk…

We have run several different website malware scanners against HMF and all have come back negative. We have also contacted Avast about a potential false-positive and we are requesting further information.

Unless a HMF guest reports otherwise, we have concluded this is an Avast specific issue. Temporarily turning off the Avast extension resolves the issue but we recognize that is not a desirable long term solution.

Avast is a superior security product but appears to at times be a bit too aggressive. We are eager to learn what has triggered this change as we have not made ANY recent code changes to HelpMeFind.

Best regards,
HMF Support

Odd… And this evening, while every other site is working for me, HMF:

This site can’t be reachedThe connection was reset.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics

Nothing wrong on my end… Will write to admin.

Try it now, Philip. I had trouble, also and now it’s working. Why? Who knows?

Yep. All good. Thanks, Kim!
