Has anyone had experience with the Persian Mystery Series

Has anyone had experience with the Harkness Persian Mystery series of Hulthemia hybrids, especially those of you in Europe? They sure look gorgeous!


I’m excited for your Hulthemia hybrids Jim and hope some come on the market soon in the US.

Link: www.roses.co.uk/acatalog/section_persianmystery.html

I’ve not…but they are very attractive both in color and bloom form.

I have, well I think I have!

I bought Alissar Princess of Phoenicia - it is a lovely plant and the flowers change colour like mutabilis. It set hips fairly readily in its first year and looking in the fridge today, some of the achenes ( a cross with Goldenwings), were starting to germinate. However, I can’t comment yet on seedling survival or %germination - I only got it last year!

ooh, hips. Good to hear as I also have Alissar PoP (mouthful of a name, hey).