I haven’t seen this book, but found a reference to it today. I’d like to read a review of it in RHA Newsletter.
Broad hint delivered.
Variation in Rosa with emphasis on the improvement of winter hardiness and resistance to Marssonina
I haven’t seen this book, but found a reference to it today. I’d like to read a review of it in RHA Newsletter.
Broad hint delivered.
Variation in Rosa with emphasis on the improvement of winter hardiness and resistance to Marssonina
I’ll check out the actual situation for KSU. If it’s here I can do something about it.
This is a very interesting doctoral thesis. Some parts have been published already in various places and are just reprinted in the thesis. For instance an article in the 2000 Rose Annual. I will try to put together a broad overview for the winter RHA newsletter.
You may be interested in the following very recent publication. I don’t think it has been linked here yet. It is the 2006 M.S. thesis of Carolin S. Schwer in Sweden, at the same institution as Carlson-Nilsson. She observes that R. rubiginosa is the most disease-resistant of the dogroses that she examined in a field study. The color frontispiece of her thesis is very nice too (showing rose anthracnose on a bouquet a la Redoute). In case the link is bad, you can look up the title “Impact of foliar fungi on dogroses”